404s on all pages
I installed and setup, and getting 404 on the public page and all event pages. Can't find any errors other that a ton of these in the logs:
Nov 20 12:26:02@calcom/web:start: error connecting to engine: sql, type: postgres db: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:5432
What am I missing?
@badmonky @sparkwise Can you give me more information about the setup? Fresh install or upgrading?
@badmonky it sounds like yours is a fresh install. So, you installed a fresh instance and everything is a 404?
Fresh install atleast works just fine here on my test instance and also on the demo.
There is something wrong. I left the app running for a while and I get non-stop:
Nov 21 11:42:37@calcom/web:start: error connecting to engine: sql, type: postgres db: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:5432
But the app itself curiously works!
OK, I have revoked
. @chetbaker so 1.2.0 works, correct ? -
The new version set
to kill some warnings. Looks like we have to live with the warnings. -