Cloudflare Brittany Pietsch
Do a search for "cloudflare brittany" on any social media channel. Eg:
- brittany&src=typed_query
The whole video is 9+ minutes long, to make sure you get all context.
Interesting story to follow for a small insight into their company culture, and how their CEO responded.
Maybe of interest, given how many of us use their services in good faith.
I still like to believe in their ethics and aspirations, but certainly never take anything for granted.
There's a good explanation of why this is by Rob Graham (i think) on Twitter in the replies. In short, she's taking it personally, and they aren't and cannot help her with more info, for legal liability reasons.
It has nothing to do with their culture or ethics.
UPDATE: found the link to @ErrataRob's post linked above. Use if you don't have an account.
There's a good explanation of why this is by Rob Graham (i think) on Twitter in the replies. In short, she's taking it personally, and they aren't and cannot help her with more info, for legal liability reasons.
It has nothing to do with their culture or ethics.
UPDATE: found the link to @ErrataRob's post linked above. Use if you don't have an account.
@robi I'm sure all these things come down to the quality and comprehensiveness of the contract and related policies. Can't comment on that. Just interesting, as it is a test of how Cloudflare handle the now public debate, which I think is the more interesting aspect and test for them.
@LoudLemur I hear you, the whole; "if something is free, you are the product" comes to mind. Even if they are all for good, concentration of power often attracts trouble, so perhaps there will be some victim of their own success issues, and of course they will very much be on the radar for anyone that could see benefit from what they funnel. Definitely not assuming their free "service" isn't without hazards.