Can't Login Using Default Password
Hmm, I think I have an error notification "This Cloudron is running low on resources".
I don't know why the error appeared. Because I already upgraded the server from 8GB to 16GB RAM and from 80GB to 160GB SSD.
I've tried to turn off the Cloudflare but it still error.
This warning is shown when the collective memory limits of the installed apps exceed the available memory of the system. It's just a rough guideline though. As a quick test, maybe stop a couple of apps temporarily, check via
free -h
over SSH if plenty of memory is available, then try to log into minio. If it still fails, I guess it is not memory related. -
Okay, I found the solution. Yes, it is because Cloudflare conflicts with this app.
I just disabled the feature "Enable proxying for new DNS records".
Then, I reinstalled the app and logged in with the default password.
Pweh, I can log in to the dashboard without any issues.
I don't know what makes Cloudflare not compatible with this app.
Thank you for your help.