Migration To PostgreSQL - error 42601
Hello, tried to migrate using
pgloader --context=/tmp/context.ini /app/pkg/migration.load
Getting error
024-09-21T08:40:48.008000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.7~devel" KABOOM! 2024-09-21T08:40:48.104000Z ERROR Database error 42601: syntax error at or near "2782771" QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO 2782771d9a999c09; COLUMNS-ERROR: Database error 42601: syntax error at or near "2782771" QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO 2782771d9a999c09; An unhandled error condition has been signalled: Database error 42601: syntax error at or near "2782771" QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO 2782771d9a******; What I am doing here? Database error 42601: syntax error at or near "2782771" QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO 2782771d9a******;
Is there any idea what I do wrong?
Thanks in advance! -
I had this exact issue yesterday!
@nebulon is right, if the mysql DB name is starting with a numeric char it needs to be in"
BEFORE LOAD DO $$ ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO "3761bb0f1936a4ee"; $$, $$ TRUNCATE TABLE "3761bb0f1936a4ee".systems; $$, $$ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "3761bb0f1936a4ee".idx_posts_message_txt; $$, $$ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "3761bb0f1936a4ee".idx_fileinfo_content_txt; $$ AFTER LOAD DO $$ UPDATE "3761bb0f1936a4ee".db_migrations set name='add_createat_to_teamembers' where version=92; $$, $$ ALTER SCHEMA "3761bb0f1936a4ee" RENAME TO public; $$, $$ SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '"$user", "$user", public', false); $$, $$ ALTER USER user0ed5bf57bd214c7b9319e5b6293a0d24 SET SEARCH_PATH TO '"$user", public'; $$;
I still did not finish the migration yesterday since there were more error, but the double quote is this error in particular.
@BrutalBirdie I tried "" but coming other errors there.
Put the "other errors" here as well so we can analyze them.
024-09-23T07:56:10.004000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.7~devel" KABOOM! ESRAP-PARSE-ERROR: At LOAD DATABASE FROM mysql://"2782771d9a999c09": ^ (Line 2, Column 28, Position 42) In context LOAD-SQLITE-COMMAND: While parsing KW-INTO. Expected: the character Tab or the character Newline or the character Return or the character Space or the string "--" or the string "/*" or the string "into" While parsing FILENAME. Problem: The production #\; does not satisfy the predicate PGLOADER.PARSER::FILENAME-CHARACTER-P. Expected: any character satisfying FILENAME-CHARACTER-P An unhandled error condition has been signalled: At LOAD DATABASE FROM mysql://"2782771d9a999c09": ^ (Line 2, Column 28, Position 42) In context LOAD-SQLITE-COMMAND: While parsing KW-INTO. Expected: the character Tab or the character Newline or the character Return or the character Space or the string "--" or the string "/*" or the string "into" While parsing FILENAME. Problem: The production #\; does not satisfy the predicate PGLOADER.PARSER::FILENAME-CHARACTER-P. Expected: any character satisfying FILENAME-CHARACTER-P What I am doing here? At LOAD DATABASE FROM mysql://"2782771d9a999c09": ^ (Line 2, Column 28, Position 42) In context LOAD-SQLITE-COMMAND: While parsing KW-INTO. Expected: the character Tab or the character Newline or the character Return or the character Space or the string "--" or the string "/*" or the string "into" While parsing FILENAME. Problem: The production #\; does not satisfy the predicate PGLOADER.PARSER::FILENAME-CHARACTER-P. Expected: any character satisfying FILENAME-CHARACTER-P
That is wrong. Give me a minute.
should look like this:LOAD DATABASE FROM mysql://{{ mysql_user }}:{{ mysql_password }}@{{ mysql_address }}/{{ source_schema }} INTO pgsql://{{ pg_user }}:{{ pg_password }}@{{ postgres_address }}/{{ target_schema }} WITH data only, workers = 8, concurrency = 1, multiple readers per thread, rows per range = 10000, prefetch rows = 10000, batch rows = 2500, create no tables, create no indexes, preserve index names SET PostgreSQL PARAMETERS maintenance_work_mem to '128MB', work_mem to '12MB' SET MySQL PARAMETERS net_read_timeout = '120', net_write_timeout = '120' CAST column Channels.Type to "channel_type" drop typemod, column Teams.Type to "team_type" drop typemod, column UploadSessions.Type to "upload_session_type" drop typemod, column ChannelBookmarks.Type to "channel_bookmark_type" drop typemod, column Drafts.Priority to text, type int when (= precision 11) to integer drop typemod, type bigint when (= precision 20) to bigint drop typemod, type text to varchar drop typemod, type tinyint when (<= precision 4) to boolean using tinyint-to-boolean, type json to jsonb drop typemod EXCLUDING TABLE NAMES MATCHING ~<IR_>, ~<focalboard>, 'schema_migrations', 'db_migrations', 'db_lock', 'Configurations', 'ConfigurationFiles', 'db_config_migrations' BEFORE LOAD DO $$ ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO "{{ source_schema }}"; $$, $$ TRUNCATE TABLE "{{ source_schema }}".systems; $$, $$ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "{{ source_schema }}".idx_posts_message_txt; $$, $$ DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "{{ source_schema }}".idx_fileinfo_content_txt; $$ AFTER LOAD DO $$ UPDATE "{{ source_schema }}".db_migrations set name='add_createat_to_teamembers' where version=92; $$, $$ ALTER SCHEMA "{{ source_schema }}" RENAME TO public; $$, $$ SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '"$user", public', false); $$, $$ ALTER USER {{ pg_user }} SET SEARCH_PATH TO 'public'; $$;
If you want to see the diff with the added
more clearly https://www.diffchecker.com/Aac35QV0/Upload this to
and use this instead of the/app/pkg/migration.load
should have no quotes. -
I am creating a PR for the Mattermost App with this changed to be reflected in the
Sorry, but now way
2024-09-23T15:19:01.012000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.7~devel" 2024-09-23T15:19:01.180001Z LOG Migrating from #<MYSQL-CONNECTION mysql://2782771d9a999c09@mysql:3306/2782771d9a999c09 {1008E9B383}> 2024-09-23T15:19:01.180001Z LOG Migrating into #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://userea3b3c89dc76489aab6b37d7c17aba6e@postgresql:5432/dbea3b3c89dc76489aab6b37d7c17aba6e {1008E67533}> 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."displayname" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."displayname". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."sortorder" is casted to type "bigint" which is not the same as "integer", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."sortorder". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."linkurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."linkurl". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."imageurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."imageurl". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."type" is casted to type "channel_bookmark_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".channel_bookmark_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."type". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelMembers"."schemeuser" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelmembers"."schemeuser". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelMembers"."schemeadmin" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelmembers"."schemeadmin". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelMembers"."schemeguest" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelmembers"."schemeguest". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."Channels"."type" is casted to type "channel_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".channel_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channels"."type". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."OutgoingOAuthConnections"."oauthtokenurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."outgoingoauthconnections"."oauthtokenurl". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."OutgoingOAuthConnections"."granttype" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".outgoingoauthconnections_granttype", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."outgoingoauthconnections"."granttype". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."Preferences"."value" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."preferences"."value". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."RetentionIdsForDeletion"."ids" is casted to type "jsonb" which is not the same as "character varying[]", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."retentionidsfordeletion"."ids". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."TeamMembers"."schemeuser" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teammembers"."schemeuser". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."TeamMembers"."schemeadmin" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teammembers"."schemeadmin". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."TeamMembers"."schemeguest" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teammembers"."schemeguest". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."Teams"."type" is casted to type "team_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".team_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teams"."type". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."UploadSessions"."type" is casted to type "upload_session_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".upload_session_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."uploadsessions"."type". 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls" with name "calls" in target catalog 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls_channels" with name "calls_channels" in target catalog 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls_jobs" with name "calls_jobs" in target catalog 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls_sessions" with name "calls_sessions" in target catalog 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."db_migrations_calls" with name "db_migrations_calls" in target catalog 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls_channels 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls_jobs 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls_sessions 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".db_migrations_calls 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_retentionpolicieschannels_retentionpolicies" of relation "retentionpolicieschannels" does not exist, skipping 2024-09-23T15:19:01.392003Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_retentionpoliciesteams_retentionpolicies" of relation "retentionpoliciesteams" does not exist, skipping 2024-09-23T15:19:04.016012Z ERROR Database error 23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "users_email_key" DETAIL: Key (email)=(system-bot@localhost) already exists. CONTEXT: COPY users, line 9 2024-09-23T15:19:05.860020Z ERROR Database error 23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "teams_name_key" DETAIL: Key (name)=(ravolar) already exists. CONTEXT: COPY teams, line 2 2024-09-23T15:19:06.204021Z ERROR Database error 23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "roles_name_key" DETAIL: Key (name)=(channel_user) already exists. CONTEXT: COPY roles, line 1 2024-09-23T15:19:06.464023Z LOG report summary reset table name errors rows bytes total time -------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- before load 0 4 0.036s fetch meta data 0 72 0.056s Drop Foreign Keys 0 4 0.000s -------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- "2782771d9a999c09".jobs 0 152344 28.4 MB 4.740s "2782771d9a999c09".posts 0 38351 8.1 MB 4.236s "2782771d9a999c09".audits 0 21974 2.9 MB 2.240s "2782771d9a999c09".fileinfo 0 4981 13.5 MB 3.264s "2782771d9a999c09".preferences 0 798 73.7 kB 1.392s "2782771d9a999c09".channelmembers 0 291 64.3 kB 1.388s "2782771d9a999c09".sidebarcategories 0 59 8.5 kB 1.456s "2782771d9a999c09".recentsearches 0 27 4.1 kB 1.476s "2782771d9a999c09".productnoticeviewstate 0 18 1.1 kB 1.528s "2782771d9a999c09".incomingwebhooks 0 3 0.5 kB 1.600s "2782771d9a999c09".channelbookmarks 0 0 1.632s "2782771d9a999c09".compliances 0 0 1.680s "2782771d9a999c09".groupmembers 0 0 1.720s "2782771d9a999c09".oauthaccessdata 0 1 0.2 kB 1.764s "2782771d9a999c09".outgoingwebhooks 0 0 1.788s "2782771d9a999c09".remoteclusters 0 0 1.808s "2782771d9a999c09".retentionpoliciesteams 0 0 1.828s "2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannelusers 0 0 1.852s "2782771d9a999c09".usergroups 0 0 1.872s "2782771d9a999c09".threads 0 1115 133.3 kB 0.108s "2782771d9a999c09".channelmemberhistory 0 308 21.5 kB 0.112s "2782771d9a999c09".sessions 0 66 12.1 kB 0.084s "2782771d9a999c09".users 1 0 0.108s "2782771d9a999c09".status 0 20 1.1 kB 0.116s "2782771d9a999c09".drafts 0 7 1.3 kB 0.140s "2782771d9a999c09".tokens 0 0 0.176s "2782771d9a999c09".commands 0 0 0.168s "2782771d9a999c09".groupchannels 0 0 0.208s "2782771d9a999c09".notifyadmin 0 0 0.196s "2782771d9a999c09".outgoingoauthconnections 0 0 0.220s "2782771d9a999c09".postreminders 0 0 0.224s "2782771d9a999c09".retentionpolicieschannels 0 0 0.288s "2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannelremotes 0 0 0.284s "2782771d9a999c09".uploadsessions 0 0 0.332s "2782771d9a999c09".threadmemberships 0 2781 232.5 kB 0.040s "2782771d9a999c09".reactions 0 669 76.7 kB 0.068s "2782771d9a999c09".channels 0 116 21.5 kB 0.084s "2782771d9a999c09".systems 0 61 2.5 kB 0.108s "2782771d9a999c09".teammembers 0 26 1.7 kB 0.140s "2782771d9a999c09".bots 0 12 1.4 kB 0.164s "2782771d9a999c09".teams 1 0 0.180s "2782771d9a999c09".clusterdiscovery 0 0 0.204s "2782771d9a999c09".desktoptokens 0 0 0.224s "2782771d9a999c09".groupteams 0 0 0.244s "2782771d9a999c09".oauthapps 0 1 0.3 kB 0.296s "2782771d9a999c09".persistentnotifications 0 0 0.408s "2782771d9a999c09".retentionidsfordeletion 0 0 0.448s "2782771d9a999c09".schemes 0 0 0.472s "2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannels 0 0 0.520s "2782771d9a999c09".usertermsofservice 0 0 0.580s "2782771d9a999c09".linkmetadata 0 2203 835.9 kB 0.056s "2782771d9a999c09".postspriority 0 518 30.9 kB 0.016s "2782771d9a999c09".sidebarchannels 0 110 12.4 kB 0.008s "2782771d9a999c09".pluginkeyvaluestore 0 53 13.3 kB 0.012s "2782771d9a999c09".roles 1 0 0.032s "2782771d9a999c09".publicchannels 0 12 2.7 kB 0.016s "2782771d9a999c09".useraccesstokens 0 3 0.3 kB 0.056s "2782771d9a999c09".commandwebhooks 0 0 0.008s "2782771d9a999c09".emoji 0 0 0.008s "2782771d9a999c09".licenses 0 0 0.048s "2782771d9a999c09".oauthauthdata 0 1 0.2 kB 0.044s "2782771d9a999c09".postacknowledgements 0 0 0.024s "2782771d9a999c09".retentionpolicies 0 0 0.040s "2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannelattachments 0 0 0.040s "2782771d9a999c09".termsofservice 0 0 0.044s -------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- COPY Threads Completion 0 8 4.808s Reset Sequences 0 0 0.032s Create Foreign Keys 0 2 0.000s Set Search Path 0 1 0.000s Install Comments 0 0 0.000s after load 0 4 0.024s -------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- Total import time 3 226929 54.4 MB 4.864s
What is your message supposed to say?
"No way" what?I am confused.
If you wait an hour, I am currently updating the doc.
Please start from Zero with a new mattermost instance for migration.
The output ofpgloader
indicated that while trying to migrate MySQL to the Postgres db and schema get renamed back and forth and now the tool can't work out what is correct. -
There is fresh installation:
2024-09-23T16:54:53.008000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.7~devel" 2024-09-23T16:54:53.008000Z LOG Data errors in '/tmp/pgloader/' 2024-09-23T16:54:53.008000Z LOG Parsing commands from file #P"/app/data/migration.load" 2024-09-23T16:54:53.312001Z LOG Migrating from #<MYSQL-CONNECTION mysql://2782771d9a999c09@mysql:3306/2782771d9a999c09 {1008E9B2B3}> 2024-09-23T16:54:53.316001Z LOG Migrating into #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://user0f690c85822c47d0af7ac1c95032b4e8@postgresql:5432/db0f690c85822c47d0af7ac1c95032b4e8 {1008E67533}> 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."displayname" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."displayname". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."sortorder" is casted to type "bigint" which is not the same as "integer", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."sortorder". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."linkurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."linkurl". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."imageurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."imageurl". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."type" is casted to type "channel_bookmark_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".channel_bookmark_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."type". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelMembers"."schemeuser" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelmembers"."schemeuser". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelMembers"."schemeadmin" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelmembers"."schemeadmin". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelMembers"."schemeguest" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelmembers"."schemeguest". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."Channels"."type" is casted to type "channel_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".channel_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channels"."type". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."OutgoingOAuthConnections"."oauthtokenurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."outgoingoauthconnections"."oauthtokenurl". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."OutgoingOAuthConnections"."granttype" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".outgoingoauthconnections_granttype", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."outgoingoauthconnections"."granttype". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."Preferences"."value" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."preferences"."value". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."RetentionIdsForDeletion"."ids" is casted to type "jsonb" which is not the same as "character varying[]", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."retentionidsfordeletion"."ids". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."TeamMembers"."schemeuser" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teammembers"."schemeuser". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."TeamMembers"."schemeadmin" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teammembers"."schemeadmin". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."TeamMembers"."schemeguest" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teammembers"."schemeguest". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."Teams"."type" is casted to type "team_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".team_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teams"."type". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."UploadSessions"."type" is casted to type "upload_session_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".upload_session_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."uploadsessions"."type". 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls" with name "calls" in target catalog 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls_channels" with name "calls_channels" in target catalog 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls_jobs" with name "calls_jobs" in target catalog 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls_sessions" with name "calls_sessions" in target catalog 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."db_migrations_calls" with name "db_migrations_calls" in target catalog 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls_channels 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls_jobs 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls_sessions 2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".db_migrations_calls 2024-09-23T16:54:53.532002Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_retentionpolicieschannels_retentionpolicies" of relation "retentionpolicieschannels" does not exist, skipping 2024-09-23T16:54:53.532002Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_retentionpoliciesteams_retentionpolicies" of relation "retentionpoliciesteams" does not exist, skipping 2024-09-23T16:54:57.760020Z ERROR Database error 23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "roles_name_key" DETAIL: Key (name)=(channel_user) already exists. CONTEXT: COPY roles, line 1 2024-09-23T16:54:57.924020Z LOG report summary reset table name errors rows bytes total time -------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- before load 0 4 0.216s fetch meta data 0 72 0.076s Drop Foreign Keys 0 4 0.004s -------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- "2782771d9a999c09".jobs 0 152346 28.4 MB 4.160s "2782771d9a999c09".posts 0 38351 8.1 MB 3.712s "2782771d9a999c09".audits 0 21974 2.9 MB 1.704s "2782771d9a999c09".fileinfo 0 4981 13.5 MB 2.144s "2782771d9a999c09".preferences 0 798 73.7 kB 1.308s "2782771d9a999c09".channelmembers 0 291 64.3 kB 1.460s "2782771d9a999c09".sidebarcategories 0 59 8.5 kB 1.756s "2782771d9a999c09".recentsearches 0 27 4.1 kB 1.844s "2782771d9a999c09".productnoticeviewstate 0 18 1.1 kB 1.888s "2782771d9a999c09".incomingwebhooks 0 3 0.5 kB 1.912s "2782771d9a999c09".channelbookmarks 0 0 1.952s "2782771d9a999c09".compliances 0 0 1.964s "2782771d9a999c09".groupmembers 0 0 2.000s "2782771d9a999c09".oauthaccessdata 0 1 0.2 kB 2.032s "2782771d9a999c09".outgoingwebhooks 0 0 2.052s "2782771d9a999c09".remoteclusters 0 0 2.072s "2782771d9a999c09".retentionpoliciesteams 0 0 2.092s "2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannelusers 0 0 2.124s "2782771d9a999c09".usergroups 0 0 2.148s "2782771d9a999c09".threads 0 1115 133.3 kB 0.388s "2782771d9a999c09".channelmemberhistory 0 308 21.5 kB 0.464s "2782771d9a999c09".sessions 0 66 12.1 kB 0.540s "2782771d9a999c09".users 0 31 18.8 kB 0.612s "2782771d9a999c09".status 0 20 1.1 kB 0.596s "2782771d9a999c09".drafts 0 7 1.3 kB 0.628s "2782771d9a999c09".tokens 0 0 0.640s "2782771d9a999c09".commands 0 0 0.660s "2782771d9a999c09".groupchannels 0 0 0.660s "2782771d9a999c09".notifyadmin 0 0 0.696s "2782771d9a999c09".outgoingoauthconnections 0 0 0.364s "2782771d9a999c09".postreminders 0 0 0.388s "2782771d9a999c09".retentionpolicieschannels 0 0 0.388s "2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannelremotes 0 0 0.404s "2782771d9a999c09".uploadsessions 0 0 0.412s "2782771d9a999c09".threadmemberships 0 2781 232.5 kB 0.128s "2782771d9a999c09".reactions 0 669 76.7 kB 0.120s "2782771d9a999c09".channels 0 116 21.5 kB 0.148s "2782771d9a999c09".systems 0 61 2.5 kB 0.164s "2782771d9a999c09".teammembers 0 26 1.7 kB 0.192s "2782771d9a999c09".bots 0 12 1.4 kB 0.212s "2782771d9a999c09".teams 0 2 0.3 kB 0.236s "2782771d9a999c09".clusterdiscovery 0 0 0.252s "2782771d9a999c09".desktoptokens 0 0 0.272s "2782771d9a999c09".groupteams 0 0 0.308s "2782771d9a999c09".oauthapps 0 1 0.3 kB 0.332s "2782771d9a999c09".persistentnotifications 0 0 0.352s "2782771d9a999c09".retentionidsfordeletion 0 0 0.392s "2782771d9a999c09".schemes 0 0 0.428s "2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannels 0 0 0.420s "2782771d9a999c09".usertermsofservice 0 0 0.420s "2782771d9a999c09".linkmetadata 0 2203 835.9 kB 0.048s "2782771d9a999c09".postspriority 0 518 30.9 kB 0.008s "2782771d9a999c09".sidebarchannels 0 110 12.4 kB 0.008s "2782771d9a999c09".pluginkeyvaluestore 0 53 13.3 kB 0.004s "2782771d9a999c09".roles 1 0 0.036s "2782771d9a999c09".publicchannels 0 12 2.7 kB 0.012s "2782771d9a999c09".useraccesstokens 0 3 0.3 kB 0.004s "2782771d9a999c09".commandwebhooks 0 0 0.052s "2782771d9a999c09".emoji 0 0 0.032s "2782771d9a999c09".licenses 0 0 0.020s "2782771d9a999c09".oauthauthdata 0 1 0.2 kB 0.060s "2782771d9a999c09".postacknowledgements 0 0 0.016s "2782771d9a999c09".retentionpolicies 0 0 0.048s "2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannelattachments 0 0 0.036s "2782771d9a999c09".termsofservice 0 0 0.044s -------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- COPY Threads Completion 0 8 4.256s Reset Sequences 0 0 0.028s Create Foreign Keys 0 2 0.000s Set Search Path 0 1 0.000s Install Comments 0 0 0.000s after load 0 4 0.028s -------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- -------------- Total import time 1 226964 54.5 MB 4.312s
@BrutalBirdie Done