There appears to be something wrong with Cloudron SSL
Logged-into '', and found SSL error.
Checked another site and found the same.That said, these sites were fine for several months without issue., though for some unknown reason, it would appear though the certs are no longer being used properly.
PS, tried reissuing without success, not sure what is wrong though it would appear that there may be a discrepancy with Cloudflare issued Let's Encrypt certs
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I've never had any issues. The mention of Cloudflare leads me to believe the issue is likely there. I've never really understood why so many people use them. So many issues reported on here end up having something to do with Cloudflare. Why do so many people want to send them all their traffic and over-centralise the Internet?
Hi @JohnBee,
can you explain a bit how you have configured your domains in Cloudron? Are you using an automated dns provider such as Cloudflare? The ssl error you found was for an expired cert, or what was the error about?
So sorry, but was short on time and opted to reinstall the cert. to get back to what seems like normal - and so, I have no information to share in-terms of troubleshooting.
That said, and if /or when this happens again, I'll take the time to properly investigate
NB, for what it's worth, I am using Cloudflare API key, of which has always worked without issue in Cloudron, though for some unknown reason, the cert appears to have expired and would no longer renew. And so I performed as roll-over oin the API/Key side of things, then reissued, and everything appears to be back to normal
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