Mailpiler - self hosted email archive
@necrevistonnezr Perhaps its a browser thing. I was using Brave. I'll try again with something else. Cheers
Hello, I'm the maintainer of the piler project. Since this topic is 2+ years old, I'm not sure, if there's an interest to have piler as a cloudron app. Anyway, the application is already dockerized, see for more.
Basically it's a 3 container setup having mysql, memcached and piler. I believe that it can be customized to run on cloudron.
@marcusquinn Well, for the moment I'm not packaging it. First, I wanted to discover if there's an interest in the project as a cloudron app. Anyway, I'm new to cloudron, so I guess the community could do it much faster.
@jsuto I'm interested if clients are, it's certainly a feature Cloudron doesn't already cover, lends itself better to being an app for multi-provider mail archiving, and is important for business compliance expectations.
Most are on either Microsoft Exchange or Google Vault for these things. Difficult to cost-compare when they obfuscate feature pricing by bundling but It certainly looks like you have a capable alternative.
For interest, I tested the Demo, and have the extension installed by default, so had to enable "HTML Filtering" for the UI to work, maybe something to look at, although I admit I'm a less common setup as most users aren't concerned about CDN privacy.
@marcusquinn Er, I'm confused. What should I fix to make the localcdn plugin happy?
@jsuto Not checked but it's probably something referenced to pull from a CDN than your own server.
Anything with one of these URLs in the code would be what that extension is designed to use a local version of:
Not a big deal as anyone using that extension would probabaly know to try again with it bypassed ("HTML Filtering"), just for your awareness really.
@vladimir-d is working on packaging this for us all.
Expressions of interested and testing volunteers welcome.
@marcusquinn I'd be interested, if I can help
Mailpiler app for cloudron is here, built based on the original docker configuration. are very welcome.
@jsuto You still with us? Want to give this a spin?
I have a couple of questions on the app, shall we discuss in the open here for the benefit of the community that I'm sure will enjoy championing this addition from your great work for you.
@marcusquinn open please
@vladimir-d Feedback :
I tried building the app from the git address
I got error as below=> ERROR [ 6/10] ADD config/nginx /app/data/nginx 0.0s ------ > [ 6/10] ADD config/nginx /app/data/nginx: ------ failed to compute cache key: "/config/nginx" not found: not found
I fixed this by creating a directory 'nginx' in 'mailpiler-master/conf' and copied the 'nginx.conf from its location couple layers below
Building then continued correctly.
Other errors found which I am investigating -
@vladimir-d Feedback on building :
After sorting out nginx.conf location, there is long list of building information until :#5 86.05 dpkg: error processing archive piler_1.3.11-focal-5c2ceb1_amd64.deb (--install): #5 86.05 package architecture (amd64) does not match system (arm64) #5 86.05 Errors were encountered while processing: #5 86.05 piler_1.3.11-focal-5c2ceb1_amd64.deb ------ executor failed running [/bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install wget openssl sysstat php7.4-cli php7.4-cgi php7.4-mysql php7.4-fpm php7.4-zip php7.4-ldap php7.4-gd php7.4-curl php7.4-xml php7.4-memcached catdoc unrtf poppler-utils nginx tnef sudo libzip5 libtre5 cron libmariadb-dev mariadb-client-core-10.3 python3 python3-mysqldb ca-certificates curl crudini vim net-tools supervisor memcached && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && wget --no-check-certificate -q -O ${SPHINX_BIN_TARGZ} ${DOWNLOAD_URL}/generic-local/${SPHINX_BIN_TARGZ} && tar zxvf ${SPHINX_BIN_TARGZ} && sed -i '/session required\#session required' /etc/pam.d/cron && wget --no-check-certificate -q -O ${PACKAGE}${PACKAGE} && dpkg -i ${PACKAGE} && ln -sf /etc/piler/piler-nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ && rm -f ${PACKAGE} ${SPHINX_BIN_TARGZ} /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default /etc/piler/piler.key /etc/piler/piler.pem /etc/piler/config-site.php]: exit code: 1
I can't see what is wrong but will continue looking.
With such long combined commands ("&&"), it is difficult to identify on which command it is failing.Oh, BTW, I am building locally on a Mac Big Sur and using my docker registry.
But didn't get as far as pushing it there yet. -
I edited the Dockerfile to split the original multiple command line (#14) into multiple RUN lines to identify clearly where is the problem.
Seems like it is :=> ERROR [ 9/19] RUN dpkg -i piler_1.3.11-focal-5c2ceb1_amd64.deb 0.2s ------ > [ 9/19] RUN dpkg -i piler_1.3.11-focal-5c2ceb1_amd64.deb: #13 0.222 dpkg: error processing archive piler_1.3.11-focal-5c2ceb1_amd64.deb (--install): #13 0.222 package architecture (amd64) does not match system (arm64) #13 0.226 Errors were encountered while processing: #13 0.226 piler_1.3.11-focal-5c2ceb1_amd64.deb ------ executor failed running [/bin/sh -c dpkg -i ${PACKAGE}]: exit code: 1
Not sure what to do here. Will have to think.
Although I guess it has to be this on line #9PACKAGE="piler_1.3.11-focal-5c2ceb1_amd64.deb" \
Ah. Thinks.
Building this on Mac Big Sur running on Mac Mini with new Apple chip (not Intel)
Is that the cause of the architecture issue ? -
Using the following seems to get past the platform architecture issue :
Only needed perhaps if building on Mac with Apple chipdocker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -f Dockerfile --no-cache . -t <reponame>/mailpiler:cloudron-<date>
Build process failed (for me) on this line in #nginx section
ln -sf /etc/piler/piler-nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
But i noticed preceding similar command succeeded
ln -s /app/data/nginx/conf/sites-enabled /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
So I amended problem line by removing the trailing "/"
That build process now runs to completion.I hope people don't mind the segregated comments and 'running commentary'. Personally I find it easier to track problems and solutions.
Successfully built and pushed to repository (docker in my case).
App installed on Cloudron w/o hassle .... but hangs in 'starting' mode.
So I uninstalled and triedcloudron install --image <repo>/<image>:<tag>
without the --no-wait option.
This installs but similarly gets stuck=> Wait for health check ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................^C
Out of my depth now. What to check / amend ?
Blundering around in the dark, but I notice that
has on line 53local SSL_CERT_DATA="/C=US/ST=Denial/L=Springfield/O=Dis/"
Should this not reference the Cloudron variable for location ?