Just a heads up that FreshRSS just released v. 1.16. (https://github.com/FreshRSS/FreshRSS/releases/tag/1.16.0)
Also: I would add Reeder as a macOS / iOS app that natively supports FreshRSS to https://cloudron.io/store/org.freshrss.cloudronapp.html
@necrevistonnezr Thanks for the heads up. I have updated the app.
And I updated ttrss too (everytime, I see your name, I get reminded)
@necrevistonnezr Ah, good to know. All my feeds are in TTRSS, I think I have like 1000s of them. Does the OPML import work well in FreshRSS? I will give it a try.
@girish I'd like to get back into RSS. Pretty much haven't used it much since Google killed Reader
And there was a point when Facebook acquired Feedly (and everyone was talking about their FB timelines as 'feeds') and I thought we were finally going to see everyone start using RSS (along with lots of ways to filter and remix then) but actually since then less and less people seem to use and support it
But yeah, somewhere I've still got my OPML file from reader with likely >1000 in too!