InvoiceNinja - Package Updates
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.29
- Add BECS to gateways
- Fixes for Company Switcher
- Performance improvements removing unpaid gateway fees
- Do not mark a 0 draft invoice as paid automatically
- Ensure recurring expenses have numeric for tax_amounts
- Exception handling
- minor fixes for paypal express on failure
- Minor fixes for Gateway TYpes
- Fixes for recurring invoices
- Reference customer when paying with
- Fix for accesing response_summary on payment object
- Fixes for refund
- Apply style fixes
- Disable authorization of Square credit card
- Client payment failure emails
- Update validation rules for update task status
- Minor fixes for create company
- Fixes for deleting an unapplied payment
- Fixes for storing bank details
- Allow BECS to show only for clients in Australia
- Fixes for agreement formatting
- Improve spacing on payment form
- Minor fixes for client numbers
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.30
- Full changelog
- Fixes for Stripe Webhook @LarsK1
- Fix for double Update Entity Webhook call
- Update designs
- Update automatic font resolving
- Login page fixes
- Hide client name on small devices
- Save quietly for payment model
- Remove logo-dark variant from admin templates
- Add client to payments webhook
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.32
- Full changelog
Looks like we're missing a release for the 4.x series which came out over a week ago. Or are those packages not being updated anymore in Cloudron?
FYI, I plan on moving to 5.x in the new year as I believe a few of the bugs I ran into were fixed in the meantime since I tried it last. Not sure how many Cloudron users are still running 4.x for now (the migration between them wasn't the best earlier on, but I think has been improved since).
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.40
- Full changelog
- Fixes for edge cases around duplicate contacts in portal
- Fixes for company import
- Add Serbian language
- Add Payment Terms filters
- Ensure zero balance invoices are marked as Paid
- Fixes for Check 3DS
- Stripe Zero Decimal CUrrencies
- Tests for zero decimals
- Fixes for UBL creation
- Fixes for import
D d19dotca referenced this topic on
Hi @nebulon - is it possible to get the latest 4.x update still or is that not possible anymore?
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.41
- Full changelog
- Apply border to checkbox/select elements
- Apply style changes
- Minor fixes for invoice service
- fixes for token gateways
- Remove viewed property from invoice import transformers
- Try / Catch on delete PDF
- Change label for credits
- Fixes for handling payment drivers that do not exist in v5
- Reorder action on invoices after payment
- Fixes for Company Import
- Slovak language
- Fixes for composer.lock PHP 7.4 support
- Additional domain restrictions
- Further translations for AP
- Show cancellation dialogue
- Tax Rate Filters
- Task Status Filters
- Company gateway Filters
- Update lang files
- Add option in client statements for filtering by invoice status
- Force public access to PDFs
- Align Reminder cron to Reminder console job
- Fixes for Stripe ACH
- Fixes for Partially deleted payments
- Update Invoice Ninja to 5.3.43
- Full changelog
- Minor adjustments for mollie payment driver
- Ensure PDFs are created when sending recurring invoices
- Fixes for endless reminders
- Minor fixes for postmark message query
- Handle negative payments - update client.paid_to_date
- Slack notifications for bounce/spam emails
- Minor Fixes
- Set locale for migrated companies
- Obfuscate tokens
- Update lang for bank transfer
- Tests for apple pay
- Try/catch for apple pay domain
- Stripe Apple Pay
- Enfore payment_terms to '0' if none is set
- Do not allow an invoice to be created for a deleted client
- Fixes for FlySystem exceptions for corrupt paths
- Add Apple Domain Verification to Stripe Gateways
- Minor fixes for Additional Stripe Field
- Fixes for clean design
- Fixes for mollie payment driver
- Fixes for send_email triggered action not generating PDFs in time.
- Force ZAR for PayFast
- Hide expired quotes from client portal
- Fixes for client portal quote tables
- Touch pdf when marked sent
- Handle 100% gateway fees
@d19dotca unfortunately for now the v4 packages do not build anymore due to composer issues.
Hi, I'm one of the Invoice Ninja developers.
Have you tried with the latest release (4.5.47), we recently added support for PHP 7.4.
If you can share the error you're seeing I can try to help.