FreeScout - Package Updates
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.32
- Full changelog
- Added support for searching for Unassigned conversations (#2368)
- Allow to prefill the subject via GET parameter when creating a conversation (#2360)
- Do not allow to search conversations and customers in mailboxes to which the user have no access (#2370)
- Updated French translation (#2366)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.33
- Full changelog
- Show base64-encoded images in conversations (#2355)
- Remove new lines from Subject when saving outgoing email (#2376)
- Do not allow to search conversations and customers in mailboxes to which the user have no access (#2370)
- Do not crop mailbox dropdown menu (#2252)
- Fixed passing null to parameter to nl2br in FetchEmail.php (#2387)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.36
- Full changelog
- Fixed "Passing null to parameter" in Translate page (#2398)
- Fixed PHP 8.1 error on saving mailbox outgoing settings (#2401)
- Do no show conversations from all mailboxes when the user has no mailboxes assigned (#2409)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.37
- Full changelog
- Added possibility to clone a conversation from a thread dropdown menu.
- Added ability to sort search results by columns.
- Added extra auto-reply header to the auto reply detection function (#2445)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.39
- Full changelog
- Fixed an issue when a customer using FreeScout was sending a message and his/her incoming message could sometimes be connected to the wrong conversation (#2375)
- Replace soft hyphens with dash in attachments files to avoid sending issues (#2448)
- Show To dropdown when replying to a conversation with the changed customer (#2455).
- Fixed site.webmanifest 401 error in the browser console if FreeScout is closed with Basic Authentication.
- Show attachment size in the upper case (KB, MB, GB).
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.40
- Full changelog
- Clone attachments when cloning conversations (#2465)
- Updated French translation.
- Prevent note remembering and restoring after sending a note, clicking Back in the browser and clicking "Add Note" (#1434)
- Check if an attachment exists on disk when sending a reply to a customer to avoid sending issues.
- Replace mb_convert_encoding HTML-ENTITIES in FetchEmails (#2461)
- Make javoscript/laravel-macroable-models compatible with PHP 8.2
- Fix preg_replace_callback() issue on PHP 8.1 in Helper::linkify() (#2464)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.41
- Full changelog
- Updated Polish translations.
- Fixed an error when conversation customer is changed and deleted after that (#2467)
- In SendReplyToCustomer listener do not include messages added after the event has been fired (#2462)
- Added meta column to conversations table.
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.43
- Full changelog
- Fetch forwarded by support agent customer's emails as tickets from customers (#290)
- Added a button to delete all conversations from Spam (#1756)
- Improved PHP 8.2 compatibility.
- Fixed saving editor text after editing the code in the editor (#1705)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.45
- Full changelog
- Improved searching customers by phone numbers.
- Added X-Auto-Response-Suppress header to user notification emails to avoid Exchange out-of-office autoreplys (#2488)
- Added DB_PGSQL_SSLMODE .env variablle allowing to set PostgreSQL SSL Mode(#2485)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.47
- Full changelog
- Allow to convert phone conversations into email conversations by adding email to the customer and replying to conversation.
- Updateed Czech translation.
- Fixed sending emails with attachments on PHP 8.2 (#2505)
- Improved retrieving an email from forwarded email (#2517)
- Fixed translation placeholder in the alert email (#2508)
- Show strikethrough text in conversations (#2504)
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.49
- Full changelog
- Do not require to enter a password when deleting a mailbox if user's password has been generated automatically (#2538)
- Fixed an error when a user is trying to access settings of non-accessible mailbox.
- If --no-interaction flag is passed to schedule:run the script will not run queue:work daemon - implemented specifically for Cloudraon (#2507)
- Run RestartQueueWorker when clearing cache in order to stop queue:work to restart it when the cache is cleared (#2507 (comment))
- Make thread_id parameter optional in Attachment->duplicate().
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.51
- Full changelog
- Fixed an issue with the background job (queue:work) not being executed automatically and executing only after clearing the cache.
- Make sure fetching is executed even if the previous fetch command was killed or threw an error and did not remove the mutex.
- Fix duplicating CC / BCC when restoring a draft of a conversation having CC email(s) (#2555)
- Fixed restoring draft after Undoing the reply when conversation is assigned to the current user.
- Fixed showing the recipient when restoring draft of a forwarded message.
- Fixed CSS minification on PHP 8.2.
- Add small delay between connections when fetching emails to avoid possible mail server connections refusals (#2563)
- Updated French translation.
- Updated Polish translation.
- Automatically clean /tmp folder.
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.52
- Full changelog
- Update number of active conversation in the title when new conversation arrives (#2576)
- Keep spaces after tags when outputting messages content (#2577)
- Made RachidLaasri LaravelInstaller PHP 8.2 compatible.
- Fixed missing vendor/natxet/cssmin/src folder for docker (#2583)
- Improved temp file name generation and cleaning.
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.53
- Full changelog
- Show corresponding message when Show Original window can not load original email via IMAP (#2608)
- Improved Show Original window load speed (#2600)
- Do not distort image proportions when image is scaled using HTML.MaxImgLength during HTML purification (#2599)
- Do not show zero conversations in the title (#2613)
- Made Swift/EmbeddedFile PHP 8.2 compatible.
- Made HTMLPurifier PHP 8.2 compatible (#2623)
- Replace background: with background-color: when purifying HTML (#2560)
- Remove collapse and hidden classes from tables when purifying HTML (#2610)
- Allow to view in a browser only allowed attachment mime types.
- Update FreeScout to 1.8.54
- Full changelog
- Fixed webklex/php-imap issue with email body contained in the "underfined" attachment when using MS365 OAuth IMAP (#1972)
- Fixed determining previous Message-ID (#2086)
- Fixed A non-numeric value encountered error when purifying HTML (#2629)