FreeScout - Package Updates
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Staffwrote on May 9, 2020, 4:44 PM last edited by girish May 9, 2020, 4:44 PM
Package 1.1.1 updates FreeScout to 1.5.5.
We contributed a few changes upstream, so it's usable for us:
- Preserve the thread id if any for reply copies
- Reply mails in same mailbox for full threading
- Add commandline arguments to freescout:create-user
We have now been using FreeScout for all our shared mailboxes including support@ for almost 3 weeks now. Works great!
- Update to 1.5.6
- Full changelog
- Allow to cancel a queued job (#606, #611)
- Show mailbox name in conversations search.
- Update to 1.5.8
- Don't send auto reply for spam emails (#628)
- Vertical scroll for large assignees list (#620)
- Add 1 second delay when sending notifications to users to avoid blocking by sending email service provider.
- Perform second mail send attempt after 5 min, others with 1 hour interval.
- Converted menu.append filter into action.
- Updated NL translations.
- Updated German translations.
- Clear the config cache on startup
- Fixup manifest forumUrl
- Update FreeScout to 1.5.9
- Full changelog
- Added Conversation History option to conversations under the conversation Settings.
- Update FreeScout to 1.5.10
- Added missing time zones.
- Fixed installation wizard for PostgreSQL (#654)
- Fixed fetching emails in PostgreSQL.
- Fixed flatpickr pt-pt.js error in the search.
- Fixed folder conversations number in title.
- Alphabetically sort mailbox list on dashboard (#660)
- Sort mailboxes by name everywhere.
- Reduced scrollable dropdown height a bit.
- Update FreeScout to 1.5.12
- Full changelog
- Make php.ini customizable
- Fixed showing additional CCs in conversations (#703)
- Fixed factory for 'phones' field of the Customer model (#708)
- Fixed NL translations.
- Check if ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME exists before using it in Helper.php (#699)
- Update FreeScout to 1.5.13
- Show emails on Users page.
- Search on Users page.
- Show Message-ID in email logs.
- Rescale large images for readability when viewing conversations.
- Fixed G Suite send error: "Expected response code 250 but got an empty response".
- Updated German translations.
- Improved repeated auto replies detection (#688)
- Update FreeScout to 1.5.14
- Added function to save customer photo.
- Show address and country in customer profile if any.
- When creating a phone conversations try to find a customer by phone number instead of creating a new customer.
- Update FreeScout to 1.5.15
- Added new hooks to the code for Webhooks Module:
- Fixed error on PostgreSQL in RealtimeMailboxNewThread (#731)
- Update FreeScout to 1.6.0
- Merge conversations via "Merge" dropdown menu item in the conversation toolbar (#226)
- Edit conversation subject (#43)
- Added Conversation History item to the "Send" button dropdown (#744)
- When viewing a mailbox in the top Search dropdown now "All from current mailbox" item is shown (#591)
- Improved email subject decoding (#735)
- Send full conversation history when forwarding conversation via Workflow (closes #743)
- Added checking availability of shell_exec function and console ps command to System Status page.
- Added curl to the list of required extensions on System Status page.
- Update FreeScout to 1.6.1
- Disable built-in update checker
- Mailbox managers with per user settings (#490)
- Printing conversations, messages and notes (#507)
- Import email into multiple mailboxes if needed (#480)
- Properly format Outlook replies (#461)
- Allow translation of search filters.
- Add config variable to disable update checks: APP_DISABLE_UPDATING
- Hide prev-next conversation arrows on a small screen.
- Update FreeScout to 1.6.2
- Added proc_open to the list of required functions in System Status.
- Do not cut out regular Gmail quotes (#778)
- Fixed in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array error in BroadcastNotification (#761)
- Hided "New Mailbox" button from non-admins.
- Do no show "Disable User" checkbox to non-admins.
- Run second migration after the module has been activated to avoid possible issues (#773)
- Made permissions manager scrollable on mobile screens (#785)
- Update FreeScout to 1.6.4
- Forward conversation to all specified recipients (#825)
- Fixed sql_require_primary_key issue (#818)
- Fixed duplicate image when inserting print screened image (#694)
- Fixed File name too long issue for attachments (#806)
- Check connection only for SMTP send method (#828)
- Update FreeScout to 1.6.8
- New fields added to customer profiles.
- Allow to add photos to customers.
- Download button added to attachments.
- Show PHP upload_max_filesize / post_max_size in the System Status.
- Added pagination to customers search.
- Do not fill automatically CC or BCC when forwarding conversations (#877)
- Allow only admin to manage mailbox connection settings (#881)
- Fixed notifications dropdown in German language (#874)
- Do not redirect user to the inaccessible mailbox after moving conversations;
- Do not show deleted users when creating a new mailbox (#866)