Lychee - Package Updates
- Update Lychee to 4.0.6
- Full changelog
- This is a major update of Lychee. The app has been rewritten using Lavarel framework
- Supports multiple users unlike v3
- Support of HEIC files and subsequently convert raw files (e.g. .NEF) into jpeg
- Ghostbuster command to clean up dead symlinks
- Parse additional xmp sidecars files to update metadata
- Use latest base image
- Update PHP to 7.3
- Make php.ini customizable
- Update Lychee to 4.0.7
- Full changelog
- Update Lychee to 4.0.8
- Full changelog
- fixes #783 : Can't rename tag album
- fixes #781 : Fixes a bug which prevented the use of sharing albums between users
- fixes #779 : Fixes some missing information on Tag Albums in the front end.
- fixes #766 : It is no longer possible to use the 'photo rotation' functionality
- fixes #751 : In some rare instance, it was not possible to generate video thumbnails
- fixes #769 : when moving pictures in Image view, the second try resulted in failure
- fixes : Settings are accessible in Image view
- new #758 : Add the possibility to chose the picture ordering per album
- Update Lychee to 4.1.0
- Update PHP to 7.4
- Full changelog
- Passwordless support and Sensitive folders
- #808 : Update traditional Chinese files.
- #813 : some error 500 during installations were not properly caught.
- #806 : Direct Links of albums do not respect url if lychee installed in subdirectory
- #811 : fall back to native metadata extraction on error
- #810 : fix(rss): avoid display feed link in HTML if RSS option is disabled
- fixes #831 - Bad extension filename when you upload *.jpg
- new #874 - Update CLI Takedate
- new #832 - Major rework of backend
- start using Livewire for the front-end, for now accessible at if enabled via LIVEWIRE_ENABLED in .env (DO NOT USE, still in development)
- use Facade AccessControl to access Session information (basically home-brewed Auth Facade)
- heavy refactoring of the core, introducing more granularity:
- Interfaces are Contracts
- Group Factories
- use trait on album for smaller dedicated operations
- add Nested Set theory to Album to allow access to all descendants
- Update Lychee to 4.2.1
- new #875 : Add custom cover for albums
- Use base image v3
- Update Lychee to 4.2.2
- Full changelog
- fixes #882 : Password albums were broken.
- fixes #891 : Download: file not found on password protected Album
- fixes #895 : Default license display
- fixes #888 : Refactoring of the rotation code
- new #887 : Add the possibility to not display the GPS direction on the map
- new #892 : Add --force option to the Command Line Interface for Takedate
- fixes #890 : Fix delete bug when selecting multiple sub albums
- new #901 : Add more diagnostics checks
- new #905 : Improve Chinese translation
- Update Lychee to 4.3.0
- Full changelog
- new #940 : Improved support for touch devices.
- new #939 : Responsive web design for small screens.
- fixes #959 : Excluded '/api/Session::init' from CSRF protection (as per the API specs).
- fixes #959 : Fixes .lycheeignore support.
- new #942 : Add support for Portuguese language.
- fixes #932 : Public photos hidden
- Update Lychee to 4.3.4
- Full changelog
- Update base image to 3.2.0
- Update Lychee to 4.5.3
- Full changelog
- Use of file streams instead of local file copy (step forward to S3).
- Adding QR code support for sharing
- Better Error handling.
- SQL optimizations and refactoring of the internal architecture and representations of Albums.
- Support of Vietnamese language
- Update Lychee to 4.6.0
- Full changelog
- Provide an ASCII fallback for multibyte filenames by @kamil4 in
- Cleanup download tests by @nagmat84 in
- Run npm install in post-merge hook by @qwerty287 in
- Authorization tests by @nagmat84 in
- Fix CI badge in readme by @d7415 in
- just remove --no-suggest by @ildyria in
- Use Laravel Auth facade. by @ildyria in
- Update Lychee to 4.6.1
- Full changelog
- This update contains a Security Update which fix multiple XSS vulnerability and update the Content Security Policy.
- This update will drop the API key in favor to Authorization token. As a result, once the migration is applied the old API token won't work anymore.
- Drop page support by @ildyria in #1489
- Add user and better structure to session json by @nagmat84 in #1443
- Move 'installation:complete' to web instead of per route by @ildyria in #1467
- Cleaning config table by @ildyria in #1491
- Update Exec.php by @corrilan in #1153
- Ensure that Admin rights are overloading others by @ildyria in #1508
- Improve config options by @qwerty287 in #1366
- Fixes #1514 by @nagmat84 in #1515
- Shared albums should not consider the require_link property. by @ildyria in #1480
- Improve API client usability by @qwerty287 in #1368
- Improve & fix CSP by @ildyria in #1528
- Fixes #1506 by @nagmat84 in #1516
- Remove use directive by @nagmat84 in #1537
- i18n(ES) by @joebordes in #1541
- i18n(EN) grammar and syntax detected by Grammarly by @joebordes in #1542
- Fix dead Installation/Build link in by @PeterDaveHello in #1543
- Typofixes by @nexxai in #1544
- Add an option to regenerate square thumbs by @kamil4 in #1545
- add exec check by @ildyria in #1540
- Add csp exceptions by @kamil4 in #1551
- Update Lychee to 4.6.1
- Full changelog
- This update contains a Security Update which fix multiple XSS vulnerability and update the Content Security Policy.
- This update will drop the API key in favor to Authorization token. As a result, once the migration is applied the old API token won't work anymore.
- Drop page support by @ildyria in #1489
- Add user and better structure to session json by @nagmat84 in #1443
- Move 'installation:complete' to web instead of per route by @ildyria in #1467
- Cleaning config table by @ildyria in #1491
- Update Exec.php by @corrilan in #1153
- Ensure that Admin rights are overloading others by @ildyria in #1508
- Improve config options by @qwerty287 in #1366
- Fixes #1514 by @nagmat84 in #1515
- Shared albums should not consider the require_link property. by @ildyria in #1480
- Improve API client usability by @qwerty287 in #1368
- Improve & fix CSP by @ildyria in #1528
- Fixes #1506 by @nagmat84 in #1516
- Remove use directive by @nagmat84 in #1537
- i18n(ES) by @joebordes in #1541
- i18n(EN) grammar and syntax detected by Grammarly by @joebordes in #1542
- Fix dead Installation/Build link in by @PeterDaveHello in #1543
- Typofixes by @nexxai in #1544
- Add an option to regenerate square thumbs by @kamil4 in #1545
- add exec check by @ildyria in #1540
- Add csp exceptions by @kamil4 in #1551
- Update Lychee to 4.6.2
- Full changelog
- Allow to set custom env options
- Arrayable DTO using reflection by @ildyria in
- Adopt new modern dialog by @nagmat84 in
- Consolidate localization by @nagmat84 in
- Add option to skip diagnostic checks by @qwerty287 in
- Upgrade to Laravel 9 + switch to Laragear/WebAuthn by @ildyria in
- Add option to append tags by @qwerty287 in
- V4.6.2 by @ildyria in
- fix smart albums rights by @ildyria & @nagmat84 in
- Fix files installation if no Git repo is available by @qwerty287 in
- Update Lychee to 4.6.5
- Full changelog
- allow username change by @ildyria in #1667