Kimai - Package Updates
- Update Kimai to 2.0.21
- Full changelog
- increase padding in wizard
- fix theme chooser in wizard
- improve dynamic export columns in PDFs
- added label for total column
- bump theme bundle
- improve avatar list spacing
- be more flexible parsing times - fixes #4031
- Update Kimai to 2.0.23
- Full changelog
- Dynamic favicon to indicate activity in pinned browser tabs (#4038)
- fix single dropdown became two lines (#4041)
- allow to remove date from non-required field (#4040)
- doctor: show available github release only if newer version exists (#4037)
- Update Kimai to 2.0.24
- Full changelog
- bump theme to get navigation id specific classes (#4065)
- added JS api to access current user in frontend (#4064)
- Update Kimai to 2.0.25
- Full changelog
- Export PDF: added support for hourly rate column in summary & detail table
- Display TOTP secret after clicking the QR code image - fixes #4006
- Developer: register your own icon via AbstractPluginExtension
- Developer: helper methods in CustomerService to reduce coupling to CustomerRepository
- Invoice document upload: fix validation for filenames with uppercase character - fixes #4073
- Update Kimai to 2.0.26
- Full changelog
- Modernized flat form styles (#4098)
- Use collapsible element instead of collapsible card (#4096)
- Support visibility for tags (#4086)
- Make setting "rounding days" optional (#4087)
- Update Kimai to 2.0.27
- Full changelog
- Improve UX for invoice template management (#4121)
- hide projects in "inactive projects" report, if they did not yet start (#4107)
- restyled "work contract" form (#4107)
- added more budget stats to customer/project/activity detail screen (#4107)
- added background color for weekend in calendar (#4107)
- allow to open edit screen (customer, project, activity) without requirement for the view_X permission (#4107)
- allow zero duration input (set end-time automatically) (#4107)
- Update Kimai to 2.0.28
- Full changelog
- fix invalid user preference (outdated route for homepage) automatically (#4172)
- respect line breaks (in timesheet description) in calendar popover (#4172)
- added first-day-of-work handling (not visible in UI yet) (#4172)
- Update Kimai to 2.0.29
- Full changelog
- show button title if delete is used in page actions
- fix invoice due date depends on invoice date, replace DateTime with DateTimeI…
- lowercase all font names in PDFs, otherwise they fail loading
- hide empty fieldset (work-contract page)
- activate contract_other_profile by default for admin and super-admin
- deactivate rule to check "maximum duration of entries" by default
- allow to deactivate presets in DateRange Picker (for Devs)
- Update Kimai to 2.0.30
- Full changelog
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#4210)
- remove text from tag choice after selection - fixes
- fix timesheet allows to use deactivated activities - fixes
- upgraded composer dependencies
- upgraded frontend dependencies
- added basic tests for validator
- Update Kimai to 2.0.31
- Full changelog
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#4252)
- Added supervisor configuration for user (#4251)
- Added weekly-times form shows global form errors (#4233)
- Fix respect timezone in DateTimePicker (for plugin devs)
- Fix time can be optional and null (for plugin devs)
- Allow 64 characters for username (#4199)
- Update Kimai to 2.0.32
- Full changelog
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#4267)
- Change isWeekend() check to isWorkingDay() and fallback to Saturday/Sunday as weekend (#4261)
- Make sure that accountNumber on user has max length of 30 (for SAML registrations) (#4256)
- Default export PDF layout has more blocks, for easier customization (#4256)
- Calendar support for JSON feeds (#4256)
- Added events and logic to add new calendar sources (#4256)
- Added code to help finding problems for SAML logins with unusual values (#4256)
- Added twig deprecation notice for date_full (#4256)
- Fixed: create form if user cannot select supervisor (#4256)
- Remove constant for default locale (will never change from en) (#4256)
- Update Kimai to 2.0.33
- Full changelog
- hide un-defined meta-fields in details view
- Fixes "page out of range" #4279
- document breaking change about DATABASE_URL
- default charset is utf8mb4
- split off upgrade infos for version 1.x
- Update Kimai to 2.0.34
- Full changelog
- Fix: a template deprecation (#4281)
- Fix: colors missing in user-chooser in calendar (#4281)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#4282)
- Update Kimai to 2.0.35
- Full changelog
- Added: Change settings shortcut card position to be sticky (#4185)
- Fixes: Fatal error on "Date and Time" field (kevinpapst/kimai-plugins#98)
- Fixes: If 5 favorites are defined for in last activities, no further entries are added to the list (#4259)
- Fixes: "Revenue this year" in Dasboard includes Billable hours (#4308)
- Fixes: Dashboard: new widget for billable hours (#3960)
- Fixes: Problem using SSO with Google (#4317)
- Fixes: translucent scroll-border (e.g. duration dropdown)
- Simplify plugin screen (remove context menu for plugins, make name a link to the homepage
- Bump composer dependencies
- Upgraded to Symfony 6.3
- [BC] Plugin authors: Improved code-styles (type-safety, return types)
- [BC] Plugin authors: Refactored widgets and statistic fetching
- Update Kimai to 2.1.0
- Full changelog
- Direct link from "Active timesheets" widget icon to filter in "all times"
- Allow to configure that new accounts need to reset their password
- Added wizard to force password reset by user
- Fix "skin" translation in wizard
- Allow to export "single user reports" to Excel
- Allow to replace or append description via timesheet batch update
- Update Kimai to 2.2.1
- Full changelog
- Added missing twig filter and functions to InvoiceSecurityPolicy (#4359)
- Enable CSRF for logout (#4359)
- Add parameter types and fix a phpstan issue (#4384)
- Deactivate deprecation logging in prod, as long as so many third party bundles are causing too much noise (#4359)
- Fixed several deprecations (#4359)
- Update Kimai to 2.3.0
- Full changelog
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#4346)
- Added role cards to permission screen (#4401)
- Move user-preferences to edit submenu (#4412)
- Unify user preferences with other forms (#4412)
- Use light fieldset for all user-edit-forms (#4412)
- Support offcanvas elements (#4412)
- Allow to dynamically inject toolbar buttons (via plugins) (#4412)
- Update Kimai to 2.4.1
- Full changelog
- Log improvements (datetime format and reformatted) (#4427)
- Request new password by the user upon next login (#4442)
- Open timesheet edit dialog from export listing (#4427)
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#4447)
- LDAP issues - allow to migrate from local to LDAP account (#4445)
- Show button to duplicate old timesheets, even those in lockdown period (#4427)
- Changed export column header (user, username, rate_internal) (#4427)
- LDAP issues - allow to migrate from local to LDAP account (#4445)
- Dashboard tooltip remains in view after removing widget (#4426)
- Dashboard JS error if all widgets were removed (#4442)