Grafana - Package Updates
- Use latest base image 3.0.0
- Update Grafana to 7.4.1
- Full changelog
- Make value mappings correctly interpret numeric-like strings. #30893, @dprokop
- Variables: Adds queryparam formatting option. #30858, @hugohaggmark
- Update Grafana to 7.4.2
- Full changelog
- Explore: Do not show non queryable data sources in data source picker. #31144, @torkelo
- Snapshots: Disallow anonymous user to create snapshots. #31263, @marefr
- Update Grafana to 7.4.3
- Full changelog
- AdHocVariables: Fix an issue where adhoc filter values stored as integer was causing Grafana to crash. #31382, @hugohaggmark
- DashboardLinks: Fix an issue where the dashboard links were causing a full page reload. #31334, @torkelo
- Elasticsearch: Fix query initialization logic & query transformation from Prometheus/Loki. #31322, @Elfo404
- QueryEditor: Fix disabling queries in dashboards. #31336, @gabor
- Streaming: Fix an issue with the time series panel and streaming data source when scrolling back from being out of view. #31431, @torkelo
- Update Grafana to 7.4.5
- Full changelog
- Update Grafana to 7.5.0
- Full changelog
- Alerting: Add ability to include aliases with hyphen in InfluxDB. #32262, @grafanabot
- CloudWatch: Use latest version of aws sdk. #32217, @sunker
- Update Grafana to 7.5.2
- Full changelog
- Explore: Set Explore's GraphNG to use default value for connected null values setting
- Update Grafana to 7.5.3
- Full changelog
- Dashboard: Do not include default datasource when externally exporting dashboard with row. #32494, @kaydelaney
- Loki: Remove empty annotations tags. #32359, @conorevans
- Update Grafana to 7.5.4
- Full changelog
- AzureMonitor: Add support for Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores namespace. #32123, @deesejohn
- TablePanel: Make sorting case-insensitive. #32435, @kaydelaney
- Update Grafana to 7.5.5
- Full changelog
- Explore: Load default data source in Explore when the provided source does not exist. #32992, @ifrost
- Instrumentation: Add success rate metrics for email notifications. #33359, @bergquist
- Update Grafana to 7.5.6
- Database: Add isolation level configuration parameter for MySQL
- Instrumentation: Don't consider invalid email address a failed email.
- InfluxDB: Improve measurement-autocomplete behavior.
- Loki: fix label browser crashing when + typed.
- Prometheus: Sanitize PromLink button.
- Update Grafana to 8.0.5
- Changelog
- Cloudwatch Logs: Send error down to client. #36277, @zoltanbedi
- Folders: Return 409 Conflict status when folder already exists. #36429, @dsotirakis
- TimeSeries: Do not show series in tooltip if it's hidden in the viz. #36353, @dprokop
- Update Grafana to 8.1.0
- Changelog
- Alerting: Deduplicate receivers during migration. #36812, @codesome
- ColorPicker: Display colors as RGBA. #37231, @nikki-kiga
- Select: Make portalling the menu opt-in, but opt-in everywhere. #37501, @ashharrison90
- TimeRangePicker: Improve accessibility. #36912, @tskarhed
- Update Grafana to 8.1.1
- Changelog