Unable to install plugins
/app/code/bin/grafana-cli -homepath /app/code -config /run/grafana/custom.ini plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel Error: ✗ pluginsDir (/var/lib/grafana/plugins) is not a writable directory
/app/code/bin/grafana-cli -homepath /app/code -config /run/grafana/custom.ini plugins ls Error: ✗ stat /var/lib/grafana/plugins: no such file or directory
@ChristopherMag I can reproduce the problem. Strange, because the config file does have the plugin path set correctly as suggested by https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/configuration/#plugins
[paths] data="/app/data/grafana" logs="/run/grafana/logs" plugins="/app/data/plugins"
@ChristopherMag This should be fixed now with the latest package. I found that we have to set GF_PLUGIN_DIR env var or pass --pluginDir separately for the CLI tool. The server reads configs from custom.ini but the CLI does not (there's probably some good reason for this discrepancy).