App tile display to show Testing / Development / Live
I have a bunch of Apps and many duplicates.
I wonder if we could have a badge on them for their purposes, as in: Testing / Development / Live.
Perhaps these could be pre-defined Tags that are always available in the Tag filters, and a radio button on the Display tab of each app.
I do this manually at the moment but I guess its a common descriptor and having it standardised would enable some at-a-glance display on the Apps as scrolling through them?
@marcusquinn perhaps once you add a tag you can make that tag visible on the dashboard. The default would of course be hidden and you’d need to limit the number of visible or “featured” tags
Another idea is setting a primary tag which is always visible and all other tags are hidden. Then, you have a checkbox called “hide primary tag” if you don’t want to use that.
@atrilahiji Something like that. I just thing that Testing, Development & Live are so common there's not really any alternative way of saying those things, and I can't think of any other reason an App would be there than one of those 3 things.
It could even prefix Running/Stopped, so Dev : Running, Test : Running, Live : Running, Live : Stopped, Dev : Stopped, Test : Stopped etc.
Since we already have tag support, maybe this is only a display matter now. I will experiment in showing tags as badges of sorts in the the app grid. Maybe that just works. Not sure though how the tag use-cases are and how many tags an app is associated with mostly. Ideally a single badge would be best to not further overload the UI.
@nebulon Sure, tags are nice for filtering. I just thing those 3 specific tags could be labels for better visual review scrolling the whole list. Also, bear in mind they should be "OR" labels, so maybe it is a separate field to tags?