E-mail is not configured properly
PTR DNS record (PTR) did not match.
Hostname: XX.XXX.XXX.XXX (IP Address is what was in the X's)
Expected: my.example.net (example is my website name)
Actual: c-XX-XXX-XXX-XXX.hsd1.ca.comcast.net (X's had IP again)
Relay error: Connect to smtp.gmail.com timed out. Check if port 25 (outbound) is blocked
This server's IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX is blacklisted in the following servers - Sorbs Aggregate Zone, SpamHaus ZenRemoved my IP and put X's in all spots, I am not sure why my outbound email is not working, I opened those ports on my router and let cloudron manage the host firewall, I have installed SOGo and all the others recommended and cannot get any test emails to work. I reinstalled SOGo for now but not sure how to proceed from here. Please advise.
PTR DNS record (PTR) did not match.
Hostname: XX.XXX.XXX.XXX (IP Address is what was in the X's)
Expected: my.example.net (example is my website name)
Actual: c-XX-XXX-XXX-XXX.hsd1.ca.comcast.net (X's had IP again)
Relay error: Connect to smtp.gmail.com timed out. Check if port 25 (outbound) is blocked
This server's IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX is blacklisted in the following servers - Sorbs Aggregate Zone, SpamHaus ZenRemoved my IP and put X's in all spots, I am not sure why my outbound email is not working, I opened those ports on my router and let cloudron manage the host firewall, I have installed SOGo and all the others recommended and cannot get any test emails to work. I reinstalled SOGo for now but not sure how to proceed from here. Please advise.
@danielreyes61 Are you running this bare metal or on a VPS?
I switched to business internet through my ISP recently to get a static IP which removed the blacklist issue. For the PTR record: check with your ISP they usually have to do this for you.
@danielreyes61 Are you running this bare metal or on a VPS?
I switched to business internet through my ISP recently to get a static IP which removed the blacklist issue. For the PTR record: check with your ISP they usually have to do this for you.
@atrilahiji bare metal and through my regular isp no business class, about to move homes too so I was curious if there was a work-around to the blacklist, do you think the blacklist is the major issue here?
@atrilahiji bare metal and through my regular isp no business class, about to move homes too so I was curious if there was a work-around to the blacklist, do you think the blacklist is the major issue here?
@danielreyes61 Yes. I suspect most IPs in your ISPs dynamic IP pool are blacklisted. Moving to a static IP will be your solution
That or using a relay like Sendgrid. -
@danielreyes61 Yes. I suspect most IPs in your ISPs dynamic IP pool are blacklisted. Moving to a static IP will be your solution
That or using a relay like Sendgrid.@atrilahiji Ok, thank you very much!! And thank you to all cloudron staff, excellent service! A+!
I am currently up and running with Sendgrid, fully authenticated DNS side and all outbound emails from cloudron and SOGo are working now but inbound emails are not going through. I have the ports forwarded on router correctly, 587, 993 and 4190. Even 25 even though it's not being used in this Sendgrid configuration. Not sure what else to check, would there be anything in a DD-WRT router setting that would prevent inbound emails from getting through? I shouldn't touch the cloudron host firewall right? I also have green checkmarks for my Email configuration status, MX record green, DMARC record green and Outbound SMTP (Relay) green. Again, sendgrid is processing my outbound emails and forwarding them perfectly, I can only assume they are doing the same with inbound but what can I check as to why they are not coming through? Please advise.
Do you think it is the mail server location in cloudron saying "my.example.com", should I remove the "my" part?
Nevermind, I did not realize sendgrid setup was only for sending email, I see the other parts to setup for receiving email now. Please disregard.