Cannot connect to transmission
Hey All,
I get an error when attempting to link couchpotato and transmission in the downloader settings menu with these inputs:
RPC url: transmission
user: [cloudron username]
password [cloudron password]These seem to be work fine in SickChill but CP returns this error:
ERROR[.downloaders.transmission] Config properties are not filled in correctly, port is missing.
Adding a port to the end of the transmission url doesn't seem to solve it. Anyone else having this issue?
@ethanxrosen Yes, CouchPotato seems to not like connecting to Transmission over HTTPS, so there's nothing you can do to connect directly. What I am doing to work-around the problem is using a Volume shared between the 2 apps and using the black-hole method of torrents.
Thanks for the quick response @mehdi !
Noted, switching to using black hole in that case
@ethanxrosen No worries
I hit the same problem a few months ago (however, I ended up basically never using CouchPotato to download stuff directly, instead basically only using it for post-processing, as it's not that good at it, and it's much less useful for movies than for TV shows)
This caveat shoud however be noted in the CouchPotato documentation . @girish maybe you can add a line there that says that to use CouchPotato with Transmission, one has to use Black-hole?