Keila - Open Source Email Newsletters
Grow your contact lists, use custom data, and send your campaigns with Keila.
Proudly Open Source, made in Germany and hosted in the EUWebsite:
Github: purpose to be a Malchimp replacement, features:
- Compose hybrid text & HTML emails with Markdown.
- Compose plain-text emails with support for Liquid templating.
- Send emails with SMTP, Sendgrid, Mailgun, AWS SES.
- Create & design your own signup forms.
- Import existing subscribers from CSV.
- Protect your forms against spammers with hCaptcha.
- One-click unsubscriptions.
- Click & open tracking of campaigns.
- Automatic contact quality monitoring & bounce handling.
- Powerful segmentation and custom fields.
- Fully-featured API for sending campaigns and syncing contacts
- A/B tests
- Upload images & file attachments.
- Create custom HTML templates with reusable blocks.
- Powerful email automations.
@jdaviescoates What I like in particular is that you can use JSON data to dynamically build campaigns. So, forget about having to rely on ancient RSS feeds and limited data... build up your json, send it over via n8n, and make a dynamic campaign that can be way more customizable. I did try Listmonk, but to be fair I also didn't give it a real run through.