NocoDB - Package Updates
- Update NocoDB to 0.207.2
- Full changelog
- Bug: no access to bulk update #8504
- Bug: Send invitation causes "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'replace')" #8493
- Bug: font colour in select options #8034
- Bug: nested filtering doesn't work properly #5365
- Update NocoDB to 0.251.2
- Full changelog
- Update NocoDB to 0.251.3
- Full changelog
- Update NocoDB to 0.252.0
- Full changelog
- Update NocoDB to 0.255.0
- Full changelog
- Introducing New Field Type : Button
- Trigger Webhook/API: Automate workflows by configuring buttons to trigger custom webhooks. Send data from the current record to external applications or automation services like n8n/zapier (invoking their incoming webhooks)
- Dynamic URL Generation: Configure buttons to open custom URLs, which can be either static or dynamically generated based on the data in the current record.
- Launch Pre-Filled Forms: Easily set up buttons to open pre-filled NocoDB forms, streamlining data entry and reducing repetitive tasks.
- Customisable Appearance: Tailor the button’s text, colour, and icon to fit your specific needs, ensuring consistency and visual appeal within your table.
- Formula Integration: Leverage NocoDB's formula editor to create dynamic URLs and payloads, making your buttons even more powerful and responsive to changing data.
- Update NocoDB to 0.255.2
- Full changelog
- Tooltip of field description is not showing up in public views #9378
- when check the "Limit record selection to a view",configure filter... #9364
- Drag and drop item in calendar doesn't work #9360
- Formula error handling #9357
- display the column id #9335
- Select type field to increase the ability to associate to other tables #9327
- On windows file thumbnail not showing & no file found when trying to download attachments #9317
- TypeError: e.split is not a function when trying to run ,eq, query #9309