WBO Monitoring
The documentation indicates that it might be worth monitoring WBO:
https://github.com/lovasoa/whitebophir#monitoringIf you are self-hosting a WBO instance, you may want to monitor its load, the number of connected users, and various other metrics. You can start WBO with the STATSD_URL environment variable to send it to a statsd-compatible metrics collection agent. Example: docker run -e STATSD_URL=udp:// lovasoa/wbo. If you use prometheus, you can collect the metrics with statsd-exporter. If you use datadog, you can collect the metrics with dogstatsd.
https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/Has this been setup with the Cloudron? Is it clear where to look? Is it explained and easy to do?
The documentation indicates that it might be worth monitoring WBO:
https://github.com/lovasoa/whitebophir#monitoringIf you are self-hosting a WBO instance, you may want to monitor its load, the number of connected users, and various other metrics. You can start WBO with the STATSD_URL environment variable to send it to a statsd-compatible metrics collection agent. Example: docker run -e STATSD_URL=udp:// lovasoa/wbo. If you use prometheus, you can collect the metrics with statsd-exporter. If you use datadog, you can collect the metrics with dogstatsd.
https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/Has this been setup with the Cloudron? Is it clear where to look? Is it explained and easy to do?