OnlyOffice Secret Key Issue
For the first run, OnlyOffice has you login and use this secret key: changeme
It suggests changing the secret key (which needs to happen in two places.)
I had no errors with the initial login, but after changing and saving the secret key, received the following error message:
Error when trying to connect cURL error 7: Failed to connect
N nebulon marked this topic as a question on
The images are very slow to load here as well.
Looks like they loaded suddenly for me.
What your images show seem to be all the right places to put the new/changed secret. Also note that after changing the two places in the onlyoffice config file, you have to restart the app to pickup those values.
Further your pasted curl error, from which part is that error coming? Nextcloud or is this a manual curl command you are running? For the latter, can you maybe pass
to get more verbose information?