Disable updater
- Update SnappyMail to 2.15.0
- Full changelog
- Adding public keys fails for GnuPG #325
- ExternalProxy not displaying certain images #326
- Filter: can not save with error if "not contains" in use #317
- Fix override-smtp-credentials by @azonti
- GnuPG section doesn't refresh after adding a key #327
- Inline images are suddenly not displayed #305
- Message fullscreen had no left:0
- Multiple uploads failed
- Unable to attach docx files using WebKit browsers on Windows #322
Note that Snappymail with this update introduced an internal updater - maybe add to the documentation not to use it or disable it?On request, SnappyMail can now be updated through ?admin interface.
Keep in mind that this is not fully tested on different setups.
It works like this:- Backup the data folder
- Install the new version
- It doesn't delete the old version!
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