Guacamole login page branding
We have tried and followed instructions on Guacamole guide on your site but unable to make changes to the login page. Have used below links and material, plz see below. Thanks.
@girish I've modified mine but for some reason it doesn't work, it shows the default page. If i use the the original branding jar file it updates and shows the modified login page as shown in your first image. but i doesn't work with my modified jar file. I'll send the my jar file to and would appreciate if you can try it on your system and see if it works. thanks.
@tgadmin I guess you are trying to change the image?
If you see in,
:background-image: url('app/ext/tempnamespace/images/logo-placeholder.png');
So, the image has to be inside images subdirectory. In the jar you sent me, the images subdirectory is empty and there is an image in the top level.
I can send you the jar that i had.
@girish got it working mate, thanks for the support.
Just wanted to know if there is a way to change the fevicon, will be following this page to trying to change the fevicon. -