Email notifications of app failures/restarts
I think in the past we just carelessly sent out emails left and right. I think we should add back notifications but this time with a little bit more thought and customization
@girish said in Email notifications of app failures/restarts:
I think in the past we just carelessly sent out emails left and right. I think we should add back notifications but this time with a little bit more thought and customization
I think an option to enable or disable email notifications globally, if possible per app, would be a great start.
You can always add the more advanced setting of receiving aggregated crashes for a period of time. Or things like choosing type of notifications you receive.
I think in the past we just carelessly sent out emails left and right. I think we should add back notifications but this time with a little bit more thought and customization
@girish it's really required, as well as an option to choose a delivery method for those notifications - e-mail / push / etc.
@girish it's really required, as well as an option to choose a delivery method for those notifications - e-mail / push / etc.
Would love a integration for this, much easier to "consume" and stay alert on than email in my opinion
@benborges for an urgent notifications - yes, absolutely.
I personally prefer Telegram notifications, that are just converted mails.
@benborges for an urgent notifications - yes, absolutely.
I personally prefer Telegram notifications, that are just converted mails.
@potemkin_ai It seems ntfy is now available in the app store :)))
it would be really neat to be able to use ntfy priority management of notifications to on the cloudron side define which notifications are more important than others, so to be able to have silent notifications or very visible popup notification for more important alert, but I guess for this to work, Cloudron should have a notification API that could integrate at the cloudron level with ntfy ?
@potemkin_ai It seems ntfy is now available in the app store :)))
it would be really neat to be able to use ntfy priority management of notifications to on the cloudron side define which notifications are more important than others, so to be able to have silent notifications or very visible popup notification for more important alert, but I guess for this to work, Cloudron should have a notification API that could integrate at the cloudron level with ntfy ?
@benborges I'm not an expert, but I would be completely satisfied with a generic webhooks that cloudron will trigger and I can then proceed them as required, for example, using n8n
@benborges I'm not an expert, but I would be completely satisfied with a generic webhooks that cloudron will trigger and I can then proceed them as required, for example, using n8n
@potemkin_ai agreed, that would make it all super simple to setup, without having to add anything special on cloudron side, perhaps different webhooks for different alerts and then leave to N8N/ntfy node the definition of how it has to be processed.
Hi, I was just looking for a similar feature in my Cloudron dashboard, I missed a few Reboot required notifications and app crashes notifications and if I forget to connect to Cloudron dashboard, I'll miss opportunities to catch incidents and problems on time.
So a big UP on this request ! I believe it's an important one, we get email notifications for monitoring new replies on NodeBB so why not for monitoring our critical systems / apps ?
Another solution I had in mind was to use Changedetection for this purpose, but as I've configured 2FA on my Cloudron instance, this workaround has no chance
Edit: I could workaround this thanks to some automation based on Changedetection, despite my Cloudron is protected with 2FA. I've used some JS lib to calculate the TOTP Verification code and fill the login form on my instance thanks to some JS one liner cooked by ChatGPT
So thanks to Changedetection using Playwright fetch mode -> Browser steps (including JS injection) + visual filter selector, I can now monitor my important notifications.If interested, the JS code injected in my Browser steps is (one liner)
(function(){var s=document.createElement('script');s.src="";s.onload=function(){var u=document.getElementById('inputUsername'),p=document.getElementById('inputPassword'),t=document.getElementById('inputTotpToken');u?u.value="YOUR_CLOUDRON_USERNAME":console.error('Input field with ID "inputUsername" not found.'),p?p.value="YOUR_CLOUDRON_PASSWORD":console.error('Input field with ID "inputPassword" not found.');var totp=new OTPAuth.TOTP({issuer:"ACME",label:"AzureDiamond",algorithm:"SHA1",digits:6,period:30,secret:OTPAuth.Secret.fromBase32("YOUR_CLOUDRON_AUTH_KEY")}),token=totp.generate();t?t.value=token:console.error('Input field with ID "inputTotpToken" not found.');var delta=totp.validate({token:token,window:1});delta!==null?console.log("Token is valid. Delta:",delta):console.log("Token is invalid.");var seconds=totp.period-(Math.floor(;console.log("Seconds until token changes:",seconds);var uri=totp.toString();console.log("Key URI:",uri)};document.head.appendChild(s);})();
And the browser steps are :
Hi, I was just looking for a similar feature in my Cloudron dashboard, I missed a few Reboot required notifications and app crashes notifications and if I forget to connect to Cloudron dashboard, I'll miss opportunities to catch incidents and problems on time.
So a big UP on this request ! I believe it's an important one, we get email notifications for monitoring new replies on NodeBB so why not for monitoring our critical systems / apps ?
Another solution I had in mind was to use Changedetection for this purpose, but as I've configured 2FA on my Cloudron instance, this workaround has no chance
Edit: I could workaround this thanks to some automation based on Changedetection, despite my Cloudron is protected with 2FA. I've used some JS lib to calculate the TOTP Verification code and fill the login form on my instance thanks to some JS one liner cooked by ChatGPT
So thanks to Changedetection using Playwright fetch mode -> Browser steps (including JS injection) + visual filter selector, I can now monitor my important notifications.If interested, the JS code injected in my Browser steps is (one liner)
(function(){var s=document.createElement('script');s.src="";s.onload=function(){var u=document.getElementById('inputUsername'),p=document.getElementById('inputPassword'),t=document.getElementById('inputTotpToken');u?u.value="YOUR_CLOUDRON_USERNAME":console.error('Input field with ID "inputUsername" not found.'),p?p.value="YOUR_CLOUDRON_PASSWORD":console.error('Input field with ID "inputPassword" not found.');var totp=new OTPAuth.TOTP({issuer:"ACME",label:"AzureDiamond",algorithm:"SHA1",digits:6,period:30,secret:OTPAuth.Secret.fromBase32("YOUR_CLOUDRON_AUTH_KEY")}),token=totp.generate();t?t.value=token:console.error('Input field with ID "inputTotpToken" not found.');var delta=totp.validate({token:token,window:1});delta!==null?console.log("Token is valid. Delta:",delta):console.log("Token is invalid.");var seconds=totp.period-(Math.floor(;console.log("Seconds until token changes:",seconds);var uri=totp.toString();console.log("Key URI:",uri)};document.head.appendChild(s);})();
And the browser steps are :
Another way - it's to use Cloudron's API -
@Potherca Thanks for the inspiration ! I forgot that Cloudron had an API. Good to know, then using the API TOKEN created through user's Cloudron profile, a simple CURL could be enough
curl https://YOUR_CLOUDRON_DOMAIN/api/v1/notifications -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN"
and that could be used with Changedetection or anything like n8n also -
@Potherca Thanks for the inspiration ! I forgot that Cloudron had an API. Good to know, then using the API TOKEN created through user's Cloudron profile, a simple CURL could be enough
curl https://YOUR_CLOUDRON_DOMAIN/api/v1/notifications -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN"
and that could be used with Changedetection or anything like n8n also@SansGuidon you are absolutely welcome