Logo not appearing on PDF after Cloudron server migration
I recently migrated my cloudron server from DigitalOcean to on prem. I am using the same version of Ubuntu server and restored directly from the cloudron created backup. Since restoring, when I generate a PDF my logo just appears as a broken image link. I have tried deleting the logo and changing the logo, but nothing seems to fix it. Old invoices still have the logo (as to be expected), but anything new doesnt have the logo. Is there something I am missing or something I could have done wrong? Please help!!
@nickm it might be a permission issue. Use cloudrons file manager and check the permissions for the media folder. I’m not sure where that location is (I’m on my phone) but a quick look might give you an idea. Another thing you can try is to use a different template and then reupload your logo with a different file name than the original and then create a new invoice.
@nickm it might be a permission issue. Use cloudrons file manager and check the permissions for the media folder. I’m not sure where that location is (I’m on my phone) but a quick look might give you an idea. Another thing you can try is to use a different template and then reupload your logo with a different file name than the original and then create a new invoice.
@humptydumpty all of the permissions look exactly like the old install on DigitalOcean. I did also try using a different template already, but that didn't seem to help. I was super excited to see how easy it was to move a cloudron install over until i ran into this issue.
It must actually be something with cloudron. I created a completely new instance of invoiceninja and the problem still persists. Hmm
@nickm my production instance is working fine so I fired up a fresh instance and that's working fine too. It doesn't seem like it's a packaging issue. InvoiceNinja has been receiving a ton of updates lately. Maybe they broke something upstream.
@nickm my production instance is working fine so I fired up a fresh instance and that's working fine too. It doesn't seem like it's a packaging issue. InvoiceNinja has been receiving a ton of updates lately. Maybe they broke something upstream.
@humptydumpty I slapped a band-aid on this for now. It's still not working for whatever reason. I have tried everything I know to try. Even gone as far as re-installing cloudron. For the tine being I just replaced the src=$company.logo with a link to my logo on my website. I'm sure this may cause problems down the line (or not), but I have logos on my invoices again. I'm definitely going to throw this up as a possible bug on the ninja forum.
Thanks for the help!!
@dsp76 maybe the upload code triggers some static asset building where they put the curren absolute URL for the logo?
@nebulon I'm just a beginner with it, so not sure
But also the client portal URL in the settings wasn't changed:
Can be found at DOMAIN/settings/client_portal
I'm just experiencing another issue with the API calls after I moved the location, which I will open another thread.
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Ok so there are at least two issues with changing the domain of an invoiceninja instance:
- The company dataset in the database contains the domain and there is no UI setting to change that
- as mentioned the client portal domain is also set in database, but at least there is a UI
Given that invoiceninja can work with multiple domains, it is not clear if we should blindly tamper with the database here as we can't really know which domain is use for which company dataset. Also I think the app is developed with the intention that those links sent out are somewhat permanent links. I think we just have to document this for cases where one wants to change the domain, but mostly I would suggest to not break those links by changing the location from Cloudron dashboard.
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