Mattermost v8.0+ and PostgreSQL
The latest mattermost release now recommends PostgreSQL over MySQL and the project is generally planing to phase out support for MySQL.
Any plans to migrate the cloudron mattermost app to PostgreSQL in the near future?
Some new features such as AI bots are only available with PostgreSQL instances., and we would love to be able to leverage that as soon as possible.
Just to plan accordingly, thanks!
- is tracking how to migrate. and is possible the way to migrate but it says it doesn't migrate everything.
@c0decafe said in Mattermost v8.0+ and PostgreSQL:
Any plans to migrate the cloudron mattermost app to PostgreSQL in the near future?
yes, we will also move. Though the migration won't be automatic. I think we will just push a new package.
I am running Cloudron for 10+ paying customers and counting. One of the reasons how I convince them to use Cloudron is the maintenance of their open source software. All of them use mostly Mattermost. Obviously I’m not too happy that you don’t offer a migration path and make us do the work manually.
@mtd-sales you have to ask Mattermost team to provide a proper a migration path, this is not something we (cloudron team) can do. We just package the app. is the upstream issue.
@ericdrgn thanks. are the instructions it seems.
I am thinking of the below:
- pgLoader, morph and dbcmp tools can be preinstalled into the package.
- New installations will use postgres automatically
- Existing package will be converted to contain access to both a postgres and mysql database. Users have to follow the upstream docs to migrate.
That's probably the best way to do it, if anyone doesn't necessarily care about the data in mattermost they can just archive the mysql version and spin up a new one that automatically uses postgres, otherwise the migration steps aren't crazy if maintaining the data is important.
I checked their docs and the forum and afaict MySQL is not deprecated. I found nothing in their docs atleast. is quite complicated but it does say PostgreSQL is preferred. We have many users using Mattermost and it would be too much work to make them migrate, especially since it is still supported upstream. Do you know any timeline of deprecation? Upstream docs don't mention anything about deprecation from what I tried to find.
This is the original reference:
Basically the AI plugin will only be available on postgresql.
Furthermore, others plugins are dropping mysql support accordingly, ie:
I don't think anyone expects a smooth migration of their existing instance but it would great if we can get a supported postgresql package.
G girish referenced this topic on
@girish what about having a new Mattermost package, with the same name as the current one and shipping with postgresql.
The current package (with MySQL) would have
somewhere in it's name, and then allow users to install whichever version they wish.Other than that, it looks like they are (or will be) abandoning MySQL support slowly