It just took a while to come up but I stopped and started it waited and it seems to come up just fine...
- Installed
- Stopped after it installed
- Started it and waited, came up just fine.
It just took a while to come up but I stopped and started it waited and it seems to come up just fine...
@girish ohh ok no problem I just did not know. It is a bunch of changes. You are doing a badass job at this.
can you please update again to pull in fixes 0.11.2
Anyone know what causes this error to popup after a few sec. Is it port related?
the more i look into this I think its on the Mistral API side. Looks like they are not supporting openAI' API structure.
Im not sure what im doing wrong here. I created a new signing cert as per the updated instructions I created one with a password and one without thinking it was not getting the password from someplace. I dont see any cert configuration in the .env file so im not sure that its even needed. Here is the error I get now.
Error: Failed to get private key bags
Aug 12 10:21:16 at I (/run/documenso/apps/web/.next/server/chunks/8946.js:1:1144118)
Aug 12 10:21:16 at async I (/run/documenso/apps/web/.next/server/chunks/8946.js:1:1142215)
Aug 12 10:21:16 at async k (/run/documenso/apps/web/.next/server/chunks/8946.js:1:6584)
Aug 12 10:21:16 at async h (/run/documenso/apps/web/.next/server/pages/api/trpc/[trpc].js:1:44521)
Aug 12 10:21:16 at async /run/documenso/apps/web/.next/server/pages/api/trpc/[trpc].js:1:142833
Aug 12 10:21:16 at async resolveMiddleware (file:///run/documenso/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:420:30)
Aug 12 10:21:16 at async callRecursive (file:///run/documenso/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:456:32)
Aug 12 10:21:16 at async callRecursive (file:///run/documenso/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:456:32)
Aug 12 10:21:16 at async resolve (file:///run/documenso/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/index.mjs:486:24)
Aug 12 10:21:16 at async inputToProcedureCall (file:///run/documenso/node_modules/@trpc/server/dist/resolveHTTPResponse-cd1a9112.mjs:46:22) {
Aug 12 10:21:16 code: 'GenericFailure'
Aug 12 10:21:16 }
Im not sure why this happened im trying to hook up a google sheet however im not able to get the api key to work and I decided to add something simple like disable signup to the and it still is not working nor do I see the setting get pulled in via the logs even though it says its running
Has anyone gotten the google sheets to work?
I get an odd error that says Mistral API is malformed but it works if I install open webui locally via docker.
May 29 11:14:06 ERROR:apps.openai.main:400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: <30>1 2024-05-29T16:14:06Z iron 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 950 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 - Traceback (most recent call last): <30>1 2024-05-29T16:14:06Z iron 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 950 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 - File "/app/code/backend/apps/openai/", line 361, in proxy <30>1 2024-05-29T16:14:06Z iron 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 950 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 - r.raise_for_status() <30>1 2024-05-29T16:14:06Z iron 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 950 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 - File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/requests/", line 1021, in raise_for_status <30>1 2024-05-29T16:14:06Z iron 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 950 85872407-1b89-46c1-ae6f-868b66ed9a71 - raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
May 29 11:14:06 requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
May 29 11:14:06 INFO: - "POST /openai/api/chat/completions HTTP/1.1" 500 Internal Server Error
Here is a solution to fix this. Its a workaround till documentoso gets this fixed.
Use the -legacy
Same steps as before.
openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key private.key -out certificate.crt -days 365
openssl pkcs12 -export -out cert.p12 -inkey private.key -in certificate.crt -legacy
@girish That works! I didn't even think about that. I'm going to update the documents with this note.
Thank you
Same boat here can you please update this?
Every link or embed just returns 404's (is this even tested before its deployed?)
Not much in the logs just some warns.
- ⚠ metadata.metadataBase is not set for resolving social open graph or twitter images, using "http://localhost:3000". See
Dec 04 16:17:00 - react-i18next:: You will need to pass in an i18next instance by using initReactI18next
Dec 04 16:17:01 - 22:17:01:167 [WARN] RateLimit Disabled due to not finding UNKEY_ROOT_KEY env variable
Dec 04 16:17:01 - [PERF]: getEventTypesFromGroup(1) took 83.33565092086792ms
Dec 04 16:17:05 - [PERF]: getByViewer(1) took 38.18396472930908ms
Dec 04 16:17:12 - [PERF]: getEventTypesFromGroup(1) took 116.85779571533203ms
Dec 04 16:17:13 - Warning: data for page "/event-types" is 183 kB which exceeds the threshold of 128 kB, this amount of data can reduce performance.
Dec 04 16:17:13 - Warning: data for page "/teams" (path "/teams?_rsc=s4kzv") is 183 kB which exceeds the threshold of 128 kB, this amount of data can reduce performance.
Dec 04 16:17:44 - [PERF]: getEventTypesFromGroup(1) took 31.539581775665283ms
Dec 04 16:19:08 - [PERF]: getUserEventGroups(1) took 57.41061305999756ms
Dec 04 16:19:09 - [PERF]: getEventTypesFromGroup(1) took 62.68411207199097ms
Dec 04 16:19:11 - `markdownToSafeHTMLClient` should not be used on the server side. use markdownToSafeHTML instead
Dec 04 16:20:16 - Team billing is disabled, not generating a checkout session.
Dec 04 16:20:46 - [PERF]: getEventTypesFromGroup(1) took 19.931580066680908ms
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:08:59Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - ==> Migrate DB
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:09:05Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - 354 migrations found in prisma/migrations
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:13:14Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - See more info here:
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:14:12Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - See more info here:
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:14:12Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - See more info here:
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:16:36Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - │ │
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:16:36Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - │ │
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:16:36Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - │ Update available 5.22.0 -> 6.0.1 │
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:16:36Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - │ npm i -g prisma@latest │
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:16:36Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - │ │
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:16:36Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:17:13Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - See more info here:
Dec 04 16:20:46 <30>1 2024-12-04T22:17:13Z iron d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b 965 d20434ce-7085-4bf8-b0c0-d03882ba226b - See more info here:
I noticed v2.18.1 came out yesterday that has a ton of bug fixes and was curious when cloudron gets these updates?
After rolling back everything works Admin included.
Version I'm on 4.7.14
Please build new release 3.1.0