I've been waiting for this for years (yes, actually years) and I check in every month or so to see if there's any progress only to be disappointed... Could this please be bumped up the priority list a bit?
Wireguard VPN -
All Apps Error Status After Update to 8.0.3As per title, all of my apps now have an error status and are not up since the update.
Other details:
- Was previously on 7.7.2
- Cannot visit App Store
- I have tried rebooting my dedicated box running cloudron
- Error : Network Error - Network error downloading icon :
- In App -> Repair: An error occurred during the configure operation: Network Error: Network error downloading icon :
Some stuff from logs
box:apphealthmonitor app health: 0 running / 0 stopped / 11 unresponsive(when I try "Retry configure task")
box:tasks startTask: 7672 done. error: { stack: 'BoxError: Network error downloading icon : \n' + ' at /home/yellowtent/box/src/appstore.js:493:33\n' + ' at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n' + ' at async promiseRetry (/home/yellowtent/box/src/promise-retry.js:17:20)\n' + ' at async Object.downloadIcon (/home/yellowtent/box/src/appstore.js:487:12)\n' + ' at async downloadIcon (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:208:26)\n' + ' at async configure (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:564:5)', name: 'BoxError', reason: 'Network Error', details: {}, message: 'Network error downloading icon : -
Wireguard VPNFantastic news!
IPv6 Cloudron Install and Update IssueI was writing up the problem I had, which you can see below the bold line, and then I had one more idea to try. I am still writing this post because google search results was.. an adventure I don't wish upon other people.
The problem seemed to be related to ipv6 and DNS, I run my DNS on a PiHole with unbound. I temporarily set some upstream servers for IPv6 and then started the process again, install Ubuntu Server Jammy into cloudron setup.
Not only did doing this mean the cloudron setup worked, but now my original cloudron can update again.
So now, I should configure unbound on my PiHole to do IPv6, haven't looked into this yet.
Maybe the setup script should check for ipv6 connectivity and have an ipv4 fallback?
Original Post
-----------------------My old VM was having trouble updating (same issue, I believe it's IPv6 related) and I am looking to migrate to new hardware anyway. Current cloudron is on 7.3.6 and wont upgrade because of the same issue. It's otherwise working though. I was going to just follow this.
I installed a fresh Ubuntu Server Jammy 22.04. Gave it a static IPv4, then went ahead with the install with --version 7.3.6
After not much happened for a while I had a look at cloudron-setup.log and found this:
rebuilt dependencies successfully
2023-05-17T13:20:30 ==> installer: downloading new addon images
2023-05-17T13:20:30 ==> installer: Pulling docker images: cloudron/base:3.2.0@sha256:ba1d566164a67c266782545ea9809dc611c4152e27686fd14060332dd88263ea cl>
Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry.ipv6.docker.com/v2/": dial tcp [2600:1f18:2148:bc02:cfd8:db68:ea1f:277c]:443: connect: network is unreachab>
2023-05-17T13:20:33 ==> installer: Could not pull cloudron/base:3.2.0@sha256:ba1d566164a67c266782545ea9809dc611c4152e27686fd14060332dd88263ea
Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry.ipv6.docker.com/v2/": dial tcp [2600:1f18:2148:bc01:a3b0:6734:c617:7c5c]:443: connect: network is unreachab>
2023-05-17T13:20:38 ==> installer: Could not pull cloudron/base:3.2.0@sha256:ba1d566164a67c266782545ea9809dc611c4152e27686fd14060332dd88263ea
<repeat forever>Is there a way to force it into ipv4 mode?
All Apps Error Status After Update to 8.0.3Not solved, haven't had a chance to try it yet.
All Apps Error Status After Update to 8.0.3I can try that next yes.