I excitedly installed Kopano Meet, but then realized that I had to make an account with them (https://meet-app.io/free-unsupported-community-package) in order to use the app with anyone outside of my immediate Cloudron install; even then, the number of guests could only be 10.
However, if I understand correctly, Jitsi and BBB don't require me to register with them if the service is installed on my own server (in this case Cloudron), nor will it require other guests to my video chats to register.
So why did Kopano get on Cloudron first if it is handicapped right off the bat from being usable to a wider group? And why not redirect any time and attention give to Kopano to Jitsi, and BBB, and the upcoming TURN server (which will also enliven the Riot app I hear)?
I'm not meaning to complain or anything, I love the work you all are doing with Cloudron!