Yes it´s possible. Watch the video!
minio and Hetzner Storage Box -
Hetzner Storage Box (CIFS)Hello dear community,
I hope you can help me with a problem I'm having right now with my Hetzner StorageBox. Recently the CIFS connection was working fine, but now I can't connect anymore. Do any of you have similar problems or maybe even a solution for it?
I have already taken a few steps to fix the problem, but so far without success. My network connection seems to be fine and other devices can access the StorageBox without any problems. I have also checked the StorageBox settings and they seem to be correct.
Since the CIFS connection was working before, I'm wondering if possibly an update or other change to my system could have caused the problem. I tried updating the StorageBox firmware and software, but unfortunately that didn't help.
If anyone has had similar experiences or has an idea of what else I could try, I would greatly appreciate your assistance. Perhaps there are certain settings or other factors that I have overlooked.
I appreciate any help and thank you in advance for your time and answers!
Unable to mount CIFS volume@nebulon
How can I change it, I tried it and restart the server but it didn’t work. Can I install a older cloudron version ? 7.3.9? -
add volumeHello I have cloudron installed normally I can always add external storage but the field is now always grayed out:
It used to work all the time, but not since the reinstall. Also NFS didn´t work