Kavita - Package Updates
- Update Kavita to 0.8.1
- Full changelog
- Added: Added SortOrderLocked field for upcoming ability to set it in the UI, allowing customization of sort order on Series Detail page
- Changed: Changed how often the 1 version out of date check occurs to be every 4-6 hours instead of 1-2 hours.
- Changed: Allow jumpbar to function on pages as long as there is no custom sort
- Changed: When refusing OPDS download due to lack of role, use 403 Forbid.
- Update Kavita to 0.8.3
- Full changelog
- Update Kavita to
- Full changelog
- Changed: Instead of showing 'Special' on chapter cards that aren't real, show a dash instead
- Changed: Changed how the warning about Email settings and the Test flow worked to be less intrusive
- Changed: (Performance) Small memory improvement when returning reading list items over OPDS
- Changed: Changed 'Edit Series Information' tooltip to 'Edit Information' as it's now generic for other entities
- Changed: Adjusted the logic for displaying chapter information when the chapter belongs to a single volume.
- Update Kavita to 0.8.4
- Full Changelog
- Added: Manage Libraries now has bulk actions. You can trigger multiple scans (not file scans, but refresh covers or colorscapes, etc) or copy settings from one library to multiple. Shift+select works as well.
- Added: Added a new page for all People within Kavita. From this page, you can see their works across Kavita.
- Added: Ability to see individual chapters/issues (limited to 20) a person has.
- Added: Ability to add images to the person via UI/API. A more automated method is planned in the future.
- Added: Added the ability to browse all Writers and Artists (cover artist) in one page. This should help book users that like to browse by author. (Feature Request: #2556 - 23 votes) (Thanks @MrRobotjs for some css on the Person detail page)
- Added: Added the ability to trigger the general cleanup (which normally runs at midnight) manually in case you need to clear unlinked people, covers, etc.
- Added: Reading List and Collection cards now show a badge showing the number of series/items underneath.
- Update Kavita to
- Full Changelog
- Fixed: Send to on mobile was still broken
- Fixed: Changed On Deck to use a workaround as a temp fix
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where on non-English locales parsing numbers would throw an exception and cause files to not be ingested.
- Fixed: Bulk library delete wasn't hooked up
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where updating chapter metadata with a new person, the normalized name was saved
- Fixed: Potentially fixed a bug where adding multiple people on a series via UI will throw an exception (Was not able to reproduce, but added extra safety logic)
- Update Kavita to 0.8.5
- Full Changelog
- Added: Added Fast Font to Book Reader. Fast Font is an open source Bionic Font alternative (FR #1268)
- Added: Added the ability to read embedded metadata from PDFs that conform to Calibre's embedding. (FR #3103)
- Added: Added a new stat for if the server uses metadata matching
- Added: (Manga Reader) When most of the file dimensions look like webtoon images, switch into the Webtoon reader on behalf of the user.
- Added: Series related tab will now show if there are bookmarks
- Added: Added the ability to see release notes of nightly releases in the changelog/announcements screens.
- Update base image to 5.0.0
- Update Kavita to
- Full Changelog
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where the Don't fall behind modal was opening constantly
- Fixed: Fixed a wiki link being wrong