I'm getting emails & notifcations about apps being back online, but never received anything about them being offline
In the last week I've had three emails and notifications about different apps being back online, but I never received any email nor notifications telling me they were offline in the first place.
What is going on?
Can you check in the eventlog about those? Are there events for both up and down or also just the app is up event?
@nebulon there are no app.down events, but yeah those "back online" events are listed in app.up under Source: healthmonitor.
And I can see that basically the "back online" events are happening after updates (during which I guess they went offline for a short while).
So no big deal really, just not ideal messaging as a bit confusing to receive a "back online" email/ notification when not having previously received one about it going offline.
Perhaps the solutions is to send an email/ notification saying "app about to go offline for an update" first? Or just not to send the "back online" email/ notification if it's just after an update?
This is a long standing notification bug with updates. The down indicator is not send (since it's updating), but the up indicator fires anyway.
I opened https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/box/-/issues/736 to track this.