Webadmin error on manual update of self-hosting free-plan
@carbonbee. I have 3 pro plans and i have 2 test servers with free plans for testing and i use hotfix cli method to update them. With few adjustments it works.
on the cli machine clone box and dashboard with git
For the dashboard i clone the code in webadmin directory : git clone https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/dashboard.git webadmin
In the webadmin directory and the box directory checkout the version you want -
Hotfix command
On the cloudron machine you need to change version in cloudron.conf
In the box directory, rename dashboard directory in webadmin
go to box/webadmin/dist and create config.json within :
"webServerOrigin": "https://cloudron.io"
} -
Reboot your server and cross your fingers.
Everything works for me with this this non academic method.
ok @CarbonBee i don't notice this Oauth error on my server but i keep an eye on this post.
PS : i totally reboot the server and not only Cloudron...
Thanks ! -
Did you guys figure this out? Sorry for the confusion with all those moving directories.
I have the same error "Unknown OAuth client" if I try to login at my.<domain>.<tld>. I tried the fix from darkben/CarbonBee without any luck.
Btw. Where can I find the current documentation for manual updates since the wiki page on the box repo is gone.
I guess you are looking for https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/box/wikis ?