Directus is now available
Hi all,
Directus is now available in the app store. It's marked as unstable at the moment, just ironing out some minor issues. Specifically extensions/hooks etc are known to not work. Still working out what is the best way to make it work with Cloudron packaging. Thanks to @murgero for the initial ground work!Code:
App store link:
Docs: -
You guys are legends!!
Kudos @murgero I owe you!!
Some keywords for the thread: Free Open Source Software (FOSS) Alternative to: Microsoft Access, Apple Filemaker, Progress Rollbase, Joget, Fieldbook, LibreOffice Base, Laravel CRUD, Airtable, Corteza, CUBA, WaveMaker, Betty Blocks, AppSynergy, Fusioo, Baserow etc
Would it be possible to add CGIPassAuth to the Apache? -
Would it be possible to add CGIPassAuth to the Apache? -
Outstanding @murgero - you beat me to it!