CRON Logs (cron.log) missing for InvoiceNinja
Having an issue with CRON jobs on an InvoiceNinja installation and I am having issues troubleshooting as the cron logs are not present in the /app/data/storage/logs/ folder as the documentation says it should be.
Any ideas? Is there a way to see what cron jobs are scheduled to run?
@tamayers Maybe they are in the stdout. So, in Console -> Logs ? You can download full logs in the window that opens.
The two cron patterns currently are:
"invoices": { "schedule": "0 */6 * * *", "command": "sudo -u www-data php /app/code/artisan ninja:send-invoices" }, "reminders": { "schedule": "0 8 * * *", "command": "sudo -u www-data php /app/code/artisan ninja:send-reminders" }
What do you want to change them to? Maybe we need to fix this at the package level?
There is a bug that some times causes invoices to auto-bill according to the InvoiceNinja team,
The workaround is to add some more distance between the two CRON jobs and also have them run later in the day. It would be nice to be able to change these.
@tamayers I see. I will fix the app package to make the cron jobs configurable.
@tamayers I pushed a new package. You can customize the cron via
. Just restart the app after editing the cron timing.