Improve the backup page, specifically retention-related items to explain retention policies and why some backups exist beyond them
Based on the post around "Old backups persist", I'm filing this feature request where the focus is on improving the backup page of each app, specifically retention-related items.
It isn't clear (especially to new users) that backups will be retained outside of their set retention policy due version upgrades or other designated exceptions to the rule as seen in the documentation. Right now, it's just not very intuitive to users and even myself as an experienced user I find I need to be reminded of this periodically too as it's just not an obvious exception to the retention policy when backups are kept outside of it. I propose that we aim to clear this all up for new users as well as experienced users.
One idea I'd like to propose is a little icon next to each backup that's designated to be an exception to the retention policy (i.e. version upgrades, etc). Perhaps the Info icon would be best suited for this task, or the question mark icon. Then when hovered over it or clicking on it, it'd display a small floating window which explains why the particular backup is kept beyond the retention policy, and links to the documentation for it too. If this isn't feasible to do beside every backup that falls outside the retention period, then maybe just a single one in the upper right corner or something of the Backups page which gives some highlight information and links to the documentation for retention policies.
I believe the above would server as a good reminder and tip for users who are wondering why their backup is sticking beyond the set retention policy.
This logic likely needs to be applied to both the app backup page and system backup page.
Additionally - and this one may just be me - I find the actual definitions of the retention policies quite unintuitive. It may be wise to have an info box there too that explains the different options or links to the docs to explain it there instead. This is definitely a minor one though as I feel most people would look at the docs to understand them since it's not super obvious to begin with, but just something to consider too. Or perhaps renaming the actual values to be more explanatory to a user, might be a better approach on this one too. Maybe "7 daily" could be "(1/day * 7 days)", I don't know maybe that makes it worse though.