Block Storage - Can it be backed up?
Hey, I'm in the process of buying a VM. There is a possibility of buying block storage in the future, and attaching it to the VM. If I do so and use it for the apps, will they properly backup?
Thanks for the amazing software btw, it truly works wonderfully!
So I just read here: Volumes aren't backed up.
Just curious if anybody knows why this is. I'm sure there's a technical reason, but I want to satisfy my curiosity :).
Probably a better question actually is the following:
In app settings under Storage->AppData, it's possible to move the location of an app's data. If I move that to a Block Store on another drive will it back up properly?
Reason I'm asking is this, which is basically ultra cached Hard Drive space:
I'm pretty sure I'll be sticking photos on the server, and I want to know if it'll be okay with backups to move the data onto something like this.
Probably a better question actually is the following:
In app settings under Storage->AppData, it's possible to move the location of an app's data. If I move that to a Block Store on another drive will it back up properly?
Reason I'm asking is this, which is basically ultra cached Hard Drive space:
I'm pretty sure I'll be sticking photos on the server, and I want to know if it'll be okay with backups to move the data onto something like this.
@michaelpope If an App can be run from it, it can be backed up.
Probably a better question actually is the following:
In app settings under Storage->AppData, it's possible to move the location of an app's data. If I move that to a Block Store on another drive will it back up properly?
Reason I'm asking is this, which is basically ultra cached Hard Drive space:
I'm pretty sure I'll be sticking photos on the server, and I want to know if it'll be okay with backups to move the data onto something like this.
@michaelpope - Yes, apps will be backed up still even if the data location is external (i.e. an external block storage disk): (we probably need to add this to the documentation that the application data is backed up no matter where it exists).
@michaelpope If an App can be run from it, it can be backed up.
Probably a better question actually is the following:
In app settings under Storage->AppData, it's possible to move the location of an app's data. If I move that to a Block Store on another drive will it back up properly?
Reason I'm asking is this, which is basically ultra cached Hard Drive space:
I'm pretty sure I'll be sticking photos on the server, and I want to know if it'll be okay with backups to move the data onto something like this.
@michaelpope as long as the block storage can be properly and reliably mounted onto the server and supports common filesystem properties and features, this should work fine.
And just to confirm, moving the app data, does not affect the backups. So apps will still be backed up normally.
@michaelpope as long as the block storage can be properly and reliably mounted onto the server and supports common filesystem properties and features, this should work fine.
And just to confirm, moving the app data, does not affect the backups. So apps will still be backed up normally.
@nebulon That's awesome! Thanks so much! It's gonna make running the server a lot more affordable :D.