Snipe-IT - Package Updates
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.1.2
- Full changelog
- Fixed #9129 - added missing function formatDatalistSafe to snipeit_modal.js that prevented ajax select lists from loading
- Fixed #8918 - corrected validation rules on Manufacturer Model where 'name' attribute was incorrect
- Fixed #9145 - color of asset selection in bulk checkout
- Fixed #9115 - Duplicate column name 'provider' in some upgrades/installs
- Fixed weird markdown table formatting in expected checkin report email
- Fixed #9116 - incorrect parameter name sent to in expected assets report
- Fixed funky layout in asset model modal window (broken HTML)
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.1.3
- Full changelog
- Fixed #9036, #9225, #9085 - corrected ternary that sets the offset to 0 when the offset passed to the API for the user is greater than total locations which was causing pagination to break for location listings. (#9210)
- Fixed a few blade templates for relative URLs, specifically to resolve JS/CSS files not loading for Snipe-IT installations that are in subdirectories (#9170)
- Added a condition to ensure that only assets checked out to a user that is being deleted are updating their status (#9233)
- Fixed links in Models Actions, and to view the fieldset assigned to that Asset Model. (#9232)
- Updated rollbar package
- Fixed #9216 - Deleting users affects locations with the same ID
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.1.4
- Full changelog
- Fixed Undefined class constant 'EM_AES_256' in spatie/laravel-backup
- Fixed #9266 - set a colors_array variable even if other conditions are not met
- Fixed #9299: Use correct SVG MIME type for uploads (#9300)
- Fixed custom field validation to include textarea
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.1.5
- Full changelog
- Updated languages
- Fixed typo that doesn't accept textarea as custom field type element
- Fixed label name for field_values in custom fields edit
- Increases DPI of barcode for small lables (#9344)
- Extended #6229 to include superuser permission check (#6772)
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.1.6
- Full changelog
- Use 24-hour date format for audit
- #9531 - highlight search box when filled, add clear button (#9534)
- #9157 Update .env to API_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_YEARS=15 (reapplies #9524) - this solves an 401 unauthorized issue on 32-bit systems
- #9422 - pivot ID was being used as a user_id (#9512)
- Dockerfile.alpine build error and snipeit runtime permission error (#9520)
- the orderBy clause inside the custom reports function that forms the CSV to be 'id' so making it a unique value and does not cause dupes. [ch14587]
- location printing when relationships are missing/invalid, per #9521
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.1.7
- Full changelog
- Fixed an issue when tried to upload a file to an user without actually selecting a file. [ch16471] #9640
- Fixed #9680: Use Eloquent’s withCount() method to count Statuslabel assets
- Fixed #9705 Prevent syntax error in
- Allow to bulk update min_amt in Accessory API
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.1.8
- Full changelog
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.3.5
- Full changelog
- Removed 'actionlog' from the ::with() clause in the asset query API for faster load times on asset listings with many updates
- Fixed an issue where some LDAP translation strings were missing
- Updated all translations from CrowdIn to latest
- Fixed minor XSS vulnerability reported by @laladee
- Update base image to 3.1.0
- Remove hardcoded memory limit in apache config
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.3.7
- Full changelog
- Removed duplicate "department" entry in importer, pulls #10460 to master
- Fixed pagination on Permission Groups page
- Fixed #10469 - increased size of supplier address field
- Removed assets_count on kits query, since it doesn't exist as a column
- Fixed missing index for fieldsets (get in the sea, @uberbrady!)
- Added allow list to modal view options to prevent 500 errors when attempting to access a modal view that doesn't exist
- Adjusted phrasing around auto-incrementing asset tags
- Fixes format property on invalid custom field object
- Fixed access control on BulkAssetModelsController.php
- Update Snipe-IT to 5.3.9
- Full changelog
- Added additional gate for selectlists [#10662]
- Fixed issue where bulk edit edits were not showing in Asset's history nor Activity report [sc-16550] [#10586]
- Fixed audit email template formatting
- Fixed LDAP active flag [#10563]
- Fixed "secure hostnames" feature for subdirectory-based Snipe-IT installs
- Temp fix for weird JSON format in history
- Added initial support for default values in checkboxes custom fields
- Fixed /hardware/{id}/checkin API response on error where it was erroneously sending a "success" message on failure
- Added custom date to checkin actionlogs and show it in the history of the asset tab
- Disallow invalid JSON requests via API
- Fixed validation if $model and $model->category exist before return the checkin_email property
- Fixed 500 that would occur if the user who audited an item no longer exists in the system (hard-deleted)