Let's Encrypt Renewal: Error 200
Hello All!
We're getting some errors when our LE Certificates attempt to renew. From initial searches, it looks like it could be a firewall issue -- but I didn't think Cloudron should interfere.Any thoughts on the below error:
Failed to renew certs of domain.tld: 200 {"result":[],"resultinfo": "page":1,"perpage":20,"totalpages":0,"count":0,"totalcount":0},"success":true,"errors":[],"messages":[]}. Renewal will be retried in 12 hours.
Thank you in advance!
So for anyone else that might be having this issue, turns out something was potentially changed with Cloudflare. I ended up adding another permission to the API Token of: "Zone > Zone > Read" and then manually renewed all of the certs on our Cloudron, which fixed the issue.
Big shout out to @girish on this!