Well Known Location settings for PeerTube and PixelFed?
Given PeerTube and PixFed are also federated apps I was wondering if they should have their own settings like Matrix, Mastodon and Jitsi do, as per https://docs.cloudron.io/domains/#well-known-locations ?
Given PeerTube and PixFed are also federated apps I was wondering if they should have their own settings like Matrix, Mastodon and Jitsi do, as per https://docs.cloudron.io/domains/#well-known-locations ?
In general I would love love to have a "well-known" management for cloudron. There are so many more well-known e.g. security.txt https://securitytxt.org, WKD https://wiki.gnupg.org/WKD and some others.
As my blog runs as an AP actor on my domain but I wanted to be found by my Email as well I needed to put a json in place and manually do the paths
In general I would like to know how the well-known thing works in cloudron - are these forwards in nginx?
Those things are in Cloudron only because the apps needs well-known be served from domains which are external to the app. For Pixelfed and PeerTube, the well-known handler is built into the app itself.
Those things are in Cloudron only because the apps needs well-known be served from domains which are external to the app. For Pixelfed and PeerTube, the well-known handler is built into the app itself.
@girish just for my understanding: why does a mastodon server toot.example.com a well-known on example.com? As far as I get it I only would need it if the IDs should be USER@example.com instead of USER@toot.example.com, right?
@girish just for my understanding: why does a mastodon server toot.example.com a well-known on example.com? As far as I get it I only would need it if the IDs should be USER@example.com instead of USER@toot.example.com, right?
@jaschaezra yes, that's correct. It's needed only to have
identifiers.Also, see https://github.com/felx/mastodon-documentation/blob/master/Running-Mastodon/Serving_a_different_domain.md which has a more detailed write up.
@jaschaezra yes, that's correct. It's needed only to have
identifiers.Also, see https://github.com/felx/mastodon-documentation/blob/master/Running-Mastodon/Serving_a_different_domain.md which has a more detailed write up.
@girish Then this should be reflected in more clear in the documentation
Thank you.
@girish Then this should be reflected in more clear in the documentation
Thank you.
@jaschaezra We used to have that link in the docs but for some reason it got removed from mastodon upstream, which resulted in a broken link in our docs
Note the link I posted is actually in some fork and not upstream!
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