@girish maybe the same problem with Freescout? https://freescout.net/module/saml/
Signature Algorithm is RSA-SHA256.
Yes we can support multiple ones https://github.com/panva/node-oidc-provider/blob/main/docs/README.md#jwks
I went for the recommended format first. Some more info about key algorithms https://www.scottbrady91.com/jose/jwts-which-signing-algorithm-should-i-use
Autodiscovery does not work and after manual entry of endpoints:
ID token validate failed with error: Only RS256 signature validation is supported. Token reports using EdDSA
Maybe this is the reason -> https://github.com/BookStackApp/BookStack/issues/3206
@luckow I have added RS256 now, but so far I haven't managed to get to the point to see the signature validation error. Can you spot something missing in my test env file:
OIDC_NAME=Cloudron OIDC_DISPLAY_NAME_CLAIMS=name OIDC_CLIENT_ID=bookstackid OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=bookstacksecret OIDC_ISSUER=https://nebulon.space OIDC_ISSUER_DISCOVER=false OIDC_AUTH_ENDPOINT=https://my.nebulon.space/openid/auth OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=https://my.nebulon.space/openid/token
The autodiscovery via .well-known also failed like you mentioned.
@luckow I have added RS256 now, but so far I haven't managed to get to the point to see the signature validation error. Can you spot something missing in my test env file:
OIDC_NAME=Cloudron OIDC_DISPLAY_NAME_CLAIMS=name OIDC_CLIENT_ID=bookstackid OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=bookstacksecret OIDC_ISSUER=https://nebulon.space OIDC_ISSUER_DISCOVER=false OIDC_AUTH_ENDPOINT=https://my.nebulon.space/openid/auth OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=https://my.nebulon.space/openid/token
The autodiscovery via .well-known also failed like you mentioned.
@nebulon I followed
the error isOIDC Discovery Error: Unexpected issuer value found on discovery response
the error isunrecognized route or not allowed method (GET on /interaction/uNAJ4bnbXdzrsVTA7pIl9/confirm)
I have no idea, but maybe
is wrong.
The documentation says something with a .pem file:# Path to identity provider token signing public RSA key OIDC_PUBLIC_KEY=file:///keys/idp-public-key.pem
@nebulon I followed
the error isOIDC Discovery Error: Unexpected issuer value found on discovery response
the error isunrecognized route or not allowed method (GET on /interaction/uNAJ4bnbXdzrsVTA7pIl9/confirm)
I have no idea, but maybe
is wrong.
The documentation says something with a .pem file:# Path to identity provider token signing public RSA key OIDC_PUBLIC_KEY=file:///keys/idp-public-key.pem
@luckow Update: after going "back" to the Bookstack home page (with the sso login button) and clicking again (with a valid login on my oic provider), I get the error again:
ID token validate failed with error: Only RS256 signature validation is supported. Token reports using EdDSA
Wrong forum section, I will move this to support as it is more like a generic OpenID thread now.
I managed to get freescout working now with https://freescout.net/module/oauth-login/ and the added RS256 signature validation. We should be able to get this into 7.4.1
Wrong forum section, I will move this to support as it is more like a generic OpenID thread now.
I managed to get freescout working now with https://freescout.net/module/oauth-login/ and the added RS256 signature validation. We should be able to get this into 7.4.1
@nebulon btw. we also have a UI glitch
I have removed the display of the secret now. Also 7.4.1 will support multiple redirectURIs with native app support. This was required for getting immich to work.
Lets keep those issues coming so we can fix that up one-by-one
To test Superset with Oauth we need an additional library
Apr 10 13:10:48 from authlib.integrations.flask_client import OAuth Apr 10 13:10:48 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'authlib'
Referring to https://superset.apache.org/docs/installation/configuring-superset/#custom-oauth2-configuration
To test Superset with Oauth we need an additional library
Apr 10 13:10:48 from authlib.integrations.flask_client import OAuth Apr 10 13:10:48 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'authlib'
Referring to https://superset.apache.org/docs/installation/configuring-superset/#custom-oauth2-configuration
wrote on Jun 7, 2023, 3:47 PM last edited by andreasdueren Jun 7, 2023, 3:47 PM
I'm still struggling to properly set up openID with my applications. For example with Leantime I get
The received provider https://my.domain.tld/openid does not match the local setting https://my.domain.tld/.well-known/openid-configuration
after authentification. And ctfreak will complain thatredirect_uris for native clients using http as a protocol can only use loopback addresses as hostnames
and using https won't work. -