other alternative is to keep WordPress as backend and use something like https://vercel.com/templates/next.js/isr-blog-nextjs-wordpress for the front end.
another alternative is to use Notion and with NextJS
like whith this: https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/nextjs-notion-starter-kit
it work well, but not entirely open source (Notion)
but possible to automate with n8n which is sadly not possible for Publii -
@timconsidine The way Publii works with a remote drive is intended for one person working from multiple locations, rather than for multiple people collaborating on the same website.
@LoudLemur I love the idea of AnyType
But How do you use it as a CMS like it is possible with Notion ?
They say Publishing Web is a Requested Feature, not yet done. -
@LoudLemur I love the idea of AnyType
But How do you use it as a CMS like it is possible with Notion ?
They say Publishing Web is a Requested Feature, not yet done.@JOduMonT Obsidian looks nice. I haven't been using AnyType very much and can't really comment.
You might like to look at some of these, for example, have you tried Astro?
- Astro: https://astro.build/blog/introducing-astro/
- VuePress: https://vuepress.vuejs.org/
- Gridsome: https://gridsome.org/
- Eleventy: https://www.11ty.dev/
- NuxtJS (Static): https://www.nuxtjs.cn/blog/going-full-static
While we are talking about static sites, lets not forget the Gemini Protocol:
Publii looks interesting. For the people that use Publii, are there more themes than what's available on their own Marketplace?
@eddowding, ghost is really good for everyday blogs and website. On top they are working on integrating the activitypub protocol to it, meaning that your website could contribute to a social network open and decentralize.
More infos - > https://activitypub.ghost.org/
or here about activitypub -> https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/20/23689570/activitypub-protocol-standard-social-network -
@eddowding, ghost is really good for everyday blogs and website. On top they are working on integrating the activitypub protocol to it, meaning that your website could contribute to a social network open and decentralize.
More infos - > https://activitypub.ghost.org/
or here about activitypub -> https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/20/23689570/activitypub-protocol-standard-social-network@jrl-abstract27 I'd be happy & confident with Ghost. I'd like it to just do Pages and not Posts, so that the home page is just another page.
Apparently there are themes which have this as a feature but I can't find one yet, and I don't really want to go fussing about with Routes etc.
I just found the instructions to create ahome.hbs
and so have copied that and will tinker with the index a bit. Still weird that it's not a main option but so it goes. Thank you for the prompt to not be so lazy -
I am a big fan of Statamic CMS.
A bit similar to Grav, but better in my opinion. Based on Laravel (i.e. PHP), can be used with or without a database (flatfile first), headless/JAMstack or classic, suitable for small or very large sites, great maintenance backend for editors, well documented, easy to update ... -
Publii looks interesting. For the people that use Publii, are there more themes than what's available on their own Marketplace?
@threetrees3 all available themes are displayed on their website. But they are very easy to customize to your needs.