Weblate - Package Updates
- Update Weblate to 5.5.2
- Full changelog
- Fixed publishing packages to PyPI.
- Searching supports source_changed:DATETIME.
- Added several new Language code style.
- Display more details on source string change in history.
- Azure AI Translator now supports using custom translators.
- Improved error handling in Inviting new users.
- Added PNG status badge.
- Added list of managed projects to the dashboard view.
- More detailed status of outgoing commits.
- Reduced memory usage.
- Fixed skipped component update with some add-ons enabled.
- Daily execution of project and site wide add-ons.
- Allow editing strings when the source is marked for editing.
- Updates of the last updated timestamp of a string.
- Fixed project and site wide installation of Squash Git commits and Component discovery add-ons.
- Graceful handling of locking errors in the Weblate’s REST API.
- Update Weblate to 5.6
- Full changelog
- Add-ons activity log for tracking add-on activity.
- Improved date range selection in Activity reports.
- Notifications now include strings which need updating.
- Improved compatibility with password managers.
- Improved tracking of uploaded changes.
- Update Weblate to 5.7
- Full changelog
- Update Weblate to 5.7.1
- Full changelog
- Update Weblate to 5.7.2
- Full changelog
- Two-factor authentication remembers last method used by user.
- Instead of redirecting, the sign-out now displays a page.
- Improved readability of exception logs.
- Updating of translations from the repository in linked components.
- Improved rendering of digest notification e-mails.
- Update Weblate to 5.8
- Full changelog
- Added Key filter in the component.
- Searching now supports filtering by object path and Fuzzy values for DATETIME fields.
- Merge requests credentials can now be passed in the repository URL, see Configuring version control credentials.
- Azure OpenAI automatic suggestion service.
- Bitbucket Cloud pull requests.
- ModernMT supports Glossaries in automatic suggestion.
- DeepL now supports specifying translation context.
- Amazon Translate now supports Glossaries in automatic suggestion.
- Automatic fixups for Devanagari danda now better handles latin script.
- Automatic fixups for French and Breton now uses a non-breaking space before colons instead of a narrow one.
- Weblate’s REST API now has a preview OpenAPI specification.
- Stale, empty glossaries are now automatically removed.
- ? now displays available Keyboard shortcuts.
- Update Weblate to 5.8.2
- Update outdated plural definitions during the database migration.
- Reduced number of database queries when updating multiple strings.
- Leading problematic characters in <a href="https://docs.weblate.org/en/weblate-5.8.2/user/glossary.html#glossary" class="reference internal"><span class="std std-ref">Glossary</span></a> terms are now properly stripped in uploaded files.
- Improved <a href="https://docs.weblate.org/en/weblate-5.8.2/workflows.html#workflow-customization" class="reference internal"><span class="std std-ref">Workflow customization</span></a> performance.
- Fixed XML escaped output in some machine translation integrations.
- Update Weblate to 5.8.3
- Full Changelog
- Formatting of some Audit log entries.
- Fixed XML escaped output in some machine translation integrations.
- Fixed duplicate listing of newly added glossary terms.
- Run gunicorn as normal user
- Update weblate to 5.8.4
- Full Changelog
- Searching for users can search based on user changes.
- Fixed occasional crash in RSS feeds.
- ICU MessageFormat gracefully handles plural strings.
- Bitbucket Cloud pull requests correctly generates pull request description.
- Update weblate to 5.9.1
- Full Changelog
- Fixed publishing package to PyPI.
- Update weblate to 5.9.2
- Full Changelog
- Avoid query parser crash in multi-threaded environments.
- Avoid crash on multi-value strings.
- checklist added
- Update weblate to 5.10
- Full Changelog