Domain is in use in an app's mailbox section
Trying to delete a domain and getting this issue. Can't figure out how to resolve it anywhere.
No incoming mailboxes exist. There is not even an app on the domain (for a different problem--I'm trying to remove and re-add the domain to see if I can get it working again)
Any leads?
hm yeah that error is not well exposed to the user. Do you find a clue in the box logs? Most likely its a mailbox assigned to an app which may have been moved location but still has a mailbox associated from the previous domain?
@nebulon that's what I suspect as well but I can't find any clues to diagnose it in the Email Event Log or Event Log.
@jordanurbs you can run below:
mysql -uroot -ppassword -e "select id, mailboxDomain, inboxDomain from apps" box
and see which app uses the domain. You can paste the app id into the dashboard search box.
@girish can I do this within cloudron or do I need to connect from my local machine with the cli?
@girish can I do this within cloudron or do I need to connect from my local machine with the cli?
@jordanurbs I think you probably do it with the web terminal of the app in question.
@jdaviescoates You have to do that via SSH
@jdaviescoates You have to do that via SSH
@girish said in Domain is in use in an app's mailbox section:
@jdaviescoates You have to do that via SSH
@jordanurbs you can run below:
mysql -uroot -ppassword -e "select id, mailboxDomain, inboxDomain from apps" box
and see which app uses the domain. You can paste the app id into the dashboard search box.
@girish what exactly are the steps to run this once I'm locally connected to cloudron via SSH?
I get a mysql error when I paste that command