Use Case: multiple aliases for mail account (many)
Thanks for the simple way of configuring of a lot of things esp. the aliases for mail!
Just for consideration I would like the Use Case I am using it for:
For many new sites I register, I use a different alias of my mail account. That means the list becomes quite lengthy.I am a bit worried that I am having an edge use case, that's why I want to raise awareness from the developers
Thanks for delivering such a nice product!!
I guess we have to find a way to make the list a bit more friendly.
In the meantime, note that you can use Wildcard aliases that maybe help reduce the aliases list - . You can also use without having to add aliases at all.
G girish moved this topic from Discuss on
That's what I do: I have a wildcard alias such as
. When I register on a site that I'm not comfortable sharing my real address with, I use something
.This way, I know when I registered and I can check if such website sells my address once you receive spam on that address. Then you can just "turn it off" vial mail or spamassassin rules
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