Couple of apps in "Not Responding" status
I have two apps that are in the "Not Responding" status.
Both have this as the last lines in the log.....
Healtheck error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED - internal ip:portApps are N8N & Joplin.
Attached is the screenshot of the output of "" in the recovery mode.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
I have two apps that are in the "Not Responding" status.
Both have this as the last lines in the log.....
Healtheck error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED - internal ip:portApps are N8N & Joplin.
Attached is the screenshot of the output of "" in the recovery mode.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
@jagadeesh-s2104 looks like networking/dns resolution is not working. Can you check if Unbound is running fine under Services -> Unbound? If not, restart unbound and check if it works after that?
Also, do you have a network/cloud firewall? The app above wants to send an outbound NTP request to port 123 ...
G girish marked this topic as a question on
@girish Thank you!
I restarted ubound and it's all good now. Thank you!
J jagadeesh-s2104 has marked this topic as solved on