apt update and apt upgrade
Hi, just wondering if we should run apt update and upgrade mannually?
I ran these commands right before installing Cloudron.
Should I run these commands to update and upgrade mannually in the future?
Or Cloudron will do these automatically?
I searched the documentation, but this information is not mentioned. -
Cloudron installs security updates automatically, the rest should be left alone.
Generally once Cloudron is installed, ideally no further server packages should be installed manually as it changes the environment for further updates and might break those as we can't test those setups then. If packages like docker or nginx or so need updating (feature wise) then a Cloudron update will perform the update.
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is it ok to install things like smartmontools, bmon via apt install for diagnostic purposes? I've always assumed they are ok.
is it ok to install things like smartmontools, bmon via apt install for diagnostic purposes? I've always assumed they are ok.
@AartJansen AS @nebulon says, installing these after Cloudron may affect things. What I've done a few times in the past is install tools like these BEFORE installing Cloudron. If they still work, great. If not, then likely post-Cloudron-installation would have messed something up.