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Apps currently being packaged are tagged using theWIP
tag - -
replied to girish on last edited by
@girish Not a specific app entry but more of an additional resource: has been gaining some popularity and is doing a lot of leg work in terms of constantly adding popular and up and coming open source 'alternatives'
Is it possible to merge or delete some of the old duplicate topics and/or the solved ones? Deleted topics still show up, as: This topic is deleted!, which is a bit annoying.
I was going through the list from oldest to newest to see if there was anything particularly interesting, or had been put on hold until a 1.0 -
@bubonicfred Ah, didn't realize deleted topics show up in search. Seems like a nodebb quirk. Maybe there is a flag not to show deleted topics, let me check the admin page.
Otherwise, can you like the topics here? I can purge them (I will check if there is a way to list deleted topics as well).
H humptydumpty referenced this topic on
replied to girish on last edited by
@girish is there an official packaging queue that the cloudron team is working on? I don't see any "WIP" tags as mentioned above. Would be helpful for planning purposes.
For instance, lack of a real scheduler is a gaping hole I need to fill, not sure where app is in the queue or if there's a known issue preventing progress or if it's already being worked on, etc.
@tshirt-chihuahu Good point, I removed that line for now. Unfortunately, we have not been very good at keeping that tag up to date. I think having a packaging queue makes sense but our work is currently too unstructured for it to be reliable. So, I don't want to set off false expectations.
One thing we have already implemented is community repos, it will be out soon. That way people don't have to depend on us (atleast to test things out quickly until we can take care of the package).