Potential dataloss in Memos with Cloudron 8.3.0 upgrade?
8.3.0 doesn't have anything other than db upgrades. @NCKNE if you have happen to have a backup, would be interesting to see if you can restore to it.
The CI atleast passed - https://git.cloudron.io/packages/memos-app/-/merge_requests/8
Just fyi upgrading didn't seem to break anything in my installation.
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I had several apps do the same the last couple of days - when i checked the forums I saw all of the app updates for stuff like: ghost, cal and hedgehog - i ended up restoring and the data was there again not sure what the cause was but the logs were pointing at something with postgres in my instance
Yes, I had the same issue and posted in https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/13412/8.3.0-postgres-upgrade-failure about it. Looking at the Nextcloud database I came to the realisation that all Postgres Databases were lost during the upgrade, but a restore from before brought these apps back.
Oh yeah, I had an issue with Nextcloud as well after the upgrade. Forgot to mention that. Same thing, some table (I think it was oc_appinfo) could not be found. A restore of the backup right before the upgrade fixed that for me as well.
Same for Cal, Outline, Documenso, Linkwarden and Formbricks by the way. The app started but with a fresh database. A restore brought all back.
I am very happy with the great backup/restore concept and automated backups before an upgrade. Works so great.