Re: Installing PixelFed in the LAMP app properly (well enough)
Got this up and running recently without any major hiccups. The only challenge I'm having is for email - there's an option for encryption which is required if I want to use my local CR instance of mail, but not sure what to put there.
Also, the crontab setup was REALLY cool, however, would be groovie if I could get the crontab output to the CR log for the container. The instructions are sending it to dev/null pretty sure, maybe just strip that out?
@doodlemania2 Do you have a screenshot of the mail setup? Also, did you set this up in the LAMP app as @murgero described or did you make a Cloudron app. I know you have contributed apps like monica in the past
So, if you get around to making a Cloudron app, would love to get it published.
Just to get up and going, I followed the OP instructions - however, I am already working on getting my CR host spruced up to pack it up - seems totally doable!!!
On the mail config, I think it is cause the default "driver" is log and I need to set it to smtp. Will try again.
@doodlemania2 Thanks for trying out my instructions! I'd have packaged the app myself but unfortunately my time is hella limited due to projects I am working on at work. I am happy to know that it works for you - I haven't seen any feed back on my post.
If you have any questions about the instructions or setup, please let me know!
Rebuilding my CR now to get started. Really the instructions were perfect. The only additional thing I had to do was configure the crontab but that took like half a second. It will be interesting to see how to generate .env automatically, but I'm thinking about on 'first run,' I just stream it out with echo's or something.